Hatching Muscovy X Khaki crosses, need help!


6 Years
Aug 29, 2014
Panama City, FL
Has anyone out there ever hatched Muscovy (drake) Khaki Campbell crosses?? I cannot for the life of me find anything that says how long it takes them to hatch. I'm on day 26 and a few eggs are starting to rock slightly. I was planning on day 32 being the hatch date but I'm wondering if it will be sooner. This is my first time hatching so any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am not a hatcher, but have read that the mallard types take about 28 days and that could be as early as 26 or closer to 30 days, depending on conditions in the incubator.

So, with this hybrid, I'd say it does not seem odd that you are seeing some rocking.

@madamiec , @casportpony @Lacrystol @learycow and others are hatchers.

Maybe check in at https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/760871/call-ducks-finally-hatched
When hatching crosses, go with the length of the mother duck. So if a khaki, then they should hatch around day 28-29.
But as mentioned above (thanks amiga!) it will vary based on incubator temps and settings. But they likely won't go as long as a muscovy (35 days) even though they are crosses. So you should have them in lockdown now.
But if the mother was the muscovy, then you'd be looking at 32-35 days.

Hope that helps!
Thanks 1,000,000 learycow!
Oh my goodness, I wasn't expecting them so soon! I'm so excited! I hope they do ok!
Another question, one of the ones that was rocking has a slight yellow spot on the shell at the edge of the membrane/air sac where I can see them moving against the membrane. Is this a sign of internal pip? It doesn't look like they have broken through but the yellow spot is odd to me...

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