Hatching shipped turkey eggs...Any advice?


Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Mar 23, 2014
South Jersey

Hi. turkey hatching newbie here. I have a young (8 mos) burbon red hen and I love her very much. I just picked up 13 turkey eggs from the post office today. I have experience with chicken hatching, but this is my first attempt at turkey eggs. And they were shipped, adding to my inexperience with turkeys.(Ihave always incubated local eggs) And advice would be greatly appreciated. The eggs are on my kitchen table, in a carton with the air cell up. My incubator has chicken eggs in it already but I have room for the turkey eggs. Thanks
By day 10 you should be able to see good development and veining. I candled at day 7 used the light off of cellphone and could see embryo but it was very small. Candled today at 14 days the change was awesome. Could actually see embryo in the egg moving.

Great, thank you! I look forward to it!

By the way, I made a candler out of a salt container. Cut one end off and cut a small hole in the other end. Added a piece of craft foam (thin, kinda rubbery sheet stuff, I forget what its called) to get a good circle and to pad the egg. works great with any flashlight, but really great with my husbands big 4 cell Maglite!

This is just a plain store-bought egg
Hatching turkey eggs is the same as chicken eggs only turkey eggs take 28 days. With shipped eggs I usually leave on counter for 24 hours to adjust to room temp.
When i place in incubator i dont turn for seven days setting upright with large end up.

I'm incubating 10 narri eggs now that were shipped. Bought 12 two were clear. The other 10 are developing well.

If you candle do it at day 10.

Good luck in the hatch.
I have 4 turkey eggs in my bator with some duck eggs. I candled last night (day 7) and removed a few infertile duck eggs, but I couldn't see inside the turkey eggs very well, with them being speckled. 2 are Slate and 2 are Bourbon Red. I would appreciate any tips! Why is day 10 a good day to candle?
By day 10 you should be able to see good development and veining. I candled at day 7 used the light off of cellphone and could see embryo but it was very small. Candled today at 14 days the change was awesome. Could actually see embryo in the egg moving.
10 days not turning seems to be a long time. Is this to resolve any air cell issues? The eggs were very well packed and arrived in 2 days. The box was totally intact with all the corners sharp and not crushed in. I know that doesn't mean it wasn't kicked around or juggled, but I would say the PO did a great job. I will have to see if I can remove 2 rails from the auto turner. (LG w/fan). I still need to incubate and turn the chicken eggs that need to stay until the 11th.
I usually place in incubator upright for about 7 days then place in turner. Candle at 10.

Yes I think this helps make sure the air cell is stablized.
After sitting for 24hrs I have placed the eggs in my former lockdown/still air hatcher. I added a small 12volt fan and now the shipped eggs are sitting in the carton, air cell up at 99.5 -99.8 degrees.I wanted to put them in my incubator with the chicken eggs, but I can't disable the turner at this point. I'm trying everything I can to make this turkey hatch work. I will keep everyone updated. Should I candle at 7 days when I move them to the turner? I know I won't be able to stop myself. :)
I almost over looked humidity! I dry hatch my chicken eggs, only elevating the humidity at lock down. Are turkeys different? Since they are in their own incubator, I can do what it takes to help them survive. Any ideas?
I dry hatch mine til day 25. Take turner out raise humidity to 65 - 75. If you can turn temp down a degree.

You could candle at 7 days you should be able to see an embryo. It will be small.

Good luck.

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