Hate my Waterer!

Good ideas. Any others? How do you fill your little buckets? I guess you could use a clip instead of zip tie so you could just carry bucket to faucet then carry it back. Do they kick dirt into them? And on the pvc pipe how do you clean and sanitize the inside? Doesn’t it get grimey?

The buckets are around 1.5 litres each, which makes them just tall enough that stuff doesn't really get kicked into them but not too tall that the chicks can't reach. I have four buckets so I carry out a big 10l bucket to fill them every day. Wish I had a hose pipe to be honest. The zipties are the kind that you can ubdo and tie again so I can remove the buckets to clean them. I found that any other lower container gets trodden in and ultimately tipped over. They would tip over the buckets until I tied them to the fencing.
I have a PVC waterer with vertical nipple that came with the coop. We keep it covered (the cover does have a small slot for an aquarium heater) and out of the sun so no algae, gunk, etc. I honestly can't remember the last time I had to clean it. It only holds about 1 1/2 gallons so we just use a hose or a water jug to refill.
I have so many of those red and white water containers I cursed them everyday I had to clean and fill it especially the 5 gallon ones that splashed all over and were so heavy to move around. I researched nipple waters and I found the BriteTap nipple system from www.chickenwater.com that screws onto an Igloo water cooler. I bought two and the chickens learned in minutes by just one chicken trying it out.Now I fill it once a week with a hose . The water stays cool and clean in the completely sealed cooler the water isn't freezing cold in the winter and it should stay cool in the 100 degree summer heat coming up,best investment I have made in chicken equipment.You can buy the water coolers for about $20 each at Walmart the taps are pricey but well worth it.
I have a similar setup to Vicki B, but with cups instead of nipples. I have these (in different sizes, I have 2 in each run and the big girls have a bigger size in theirs)
with these attached (they are the same size as the bung in the water jugs)
I like cups over nipples because I can see the water sitting there (being in a hot climate, I'm really neurotic about water supply for everyone). Cleaning just involves squirting any bits of bark out with the hose, and I fill them where they are, with the hose.
I'd highly recommend this type of setup. My chooks have it, and so do my bunnies. They can't mess up the water, it's in the jug and the little cup is easily kept clean and clear (even with the bunnies, who add fur to the equation)
I recommend a 5 gallon bucket with horizontal nipples. I rinse it out every two weeks. Very low maintenance. 20180128_131016.jpg
Wow! Got off of work and didn’t expect to find so many great responses. Thanks to everyone! I like the idea of both the cups and the nipple watering devices. With those cups posted above do the chickens have to do anything to get the water? Or is it just a mini bowl that fills itself back up? That seems like it might be the way to go. I’ll have to do a little more research. I’m so grateful for all the help and glad I’m not the only one with this battle.

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