Hating Waste As I Do.... (Pic, post #17, Top Complete)

I love the bright and darker colors for babies. Yes, contrast does stimulate the brain, and most importantly for a quilt that is going to get used is that the darker colors hide stains. (Does that sound like I am a filthy nasty person or does it show I have six kids with one on the way?) I like Saddina's suggestion about the berry colors for the edges.
My favorite quilt made by my great-great grandma was a scrap quilt. It's tacky, but I absolutely love it. It's orange, baby blue, a variety of other colors on the top and has red plaid flannel pieces on the back.
Berry shades would work, certainly. I have some in my stash, I'm sure. I want to border it so I can get to work on my Attic Windows and continue quilting my chicken quilt. Thanks for the suggestions!

greenfamilyfarms, I have a soft spot for orange and blue...those were my high school colors! They go together amazingly well.
I found some turquoise and put it with the fuchsia that is in the quilt itself. The pic doesn't show how deeply turquoise the fabric is, but it's definitely jewel-toned. Was thinking a narrow border of turquoise, then an outside, wider border of fuchsia around it. Will the turquoise clash too much with the hunter and sagey greens in here? The turquoise is not as blue as it appears in the picture--it's truly turquoise, trust me.

Or, maybe I should just do a single border of the fuchsia. What do you think, guys?
I love the border choice. Wow, you work fast! I enjoy quilting by hand for small size quilts but sometimes it is hard to carve time out of the day to do it.
The easiest way to machine quilt it would be "stitch in the ditch" between the rows running side to side like you have it laid out in the picture. Depending on your batting you would only need to sew every other row. Then once around in the "ditch" of border

I've got your baisc Walmart sewing machine, so I don't do any of the fancy stitching.

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