Have a giggle on me...and share your little uh oh moments too.


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
Flippin, AR
I went out, took down a fence so DH could get the loader behind the chicken house to clean out Poo Mountain. When he was done, I put the fence back up. Went in the back door of the Chick House, and picked eggs. AAARRRGGGH! The front door is latched/locked from the outside! No prob, I will just go over the low part of the fence out back... NOT! There is a live electric fence 8 inches outside that fence!

I had to take the big fence back down just to get out of the chicken pasture! Trapped by my own devises!!!!!
I got locked in my coop once.The door lock is on the outside and it is sort of a guilotine type.It slipped and I was trapped.I couldnt get out to the run thru the chicken door since it is only 12" high and wide.Contiplating to chew thru the boards,I was saved by my youngest DD.I couldnt even squeeze thru the community nesting box.
That wasnt the funniest.

I also have a guilotene lock on my run door.I have it up when I enter,but this time when I was leaving,I opened the run door and walked one step when the guilotene lock came down on my neck,making me miss the step over and trip on the ground outside the coop.I turned to look at the chickens and I swear to this day they all said " now you know how our friends felt!"


Contiplating on changing the locks.

Now that's funny!

I moved my 7 1/2 week old roos out to a separate coop and run earlier this week. The next morning, one of them came running up to the fence and got himself stuck in it trying to get to me. I SWEAR, that little bird said " MOOOMMMMMIIIEEE!!!"
The hubby put one of those latches on our coop, too. The first thing I said was I'll get locked inside. He didn't believe me so he shut the door. Of course it wouldn't open. Both of us lost in the pitch black. He didn't say a word knowing how this old chick can work up a flaming temper. He probably felt the heat rising from my skin.

"Got your cell phone?" I asked.

"No," was he defiant reply.

"Oh for the love of fried chicken!" I cried. "Ain't no way we are going to break that door down."

A lively argument ensued, and in a temper I squeezed through the chicken door. Thank God, I asked for a larger one because of the size of chickens I had planned to have. Let me tell you I ain't a small woman, and I must have looked like a hamster squeezing through a quarter sized hole. Mercy, was I mad! I nearly left the husband in that coop just to teach him a lesson. But after 30 years of putting up with me I decided to let him out.

He changed the latches the next day.

Hard headed man.

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