Having a bad chicken day


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
Longmont, CO
I guess some days are just bad. I had sold a coop to a lady who ordered some pullets from me. Good thing I didn't start building it yet since she had a family emergency and can't get them now. It's only 4 pullets, I should have no problems rehomeing them. But I had another guy back out on a coop deal after it was built and ready to deliever so I'm still sitting on that one trying to sell it.

I had a lady come wanting eggs and a good friend wanting a doz and I can't fill the orders. I had another lady call and order 4 doz, so I've got to fill that first. I know you probably don't see that as a problem, but for some sick reason, I always feel bad if I can't help somebody out.

Then I helped out the lady who needed 50 doz eggs only to find out that the place I directed her to was probably a scam.

Then I've been so busy watching out for my 76 little chickies plus the 11 in my brooder plus my 13 girls, that I forgot to check the humidity this morning on the bator. It was below 15%.
I have had so many people back out on me this year, it's rediculous! Goats, chickens, rabbits, you name it!

In a little while the weather will be better, and I have no doubt you'll be able to sell your coops.

When things are at their worst, it can only get better
I know the feeling.
I understand some times, life changes your plans. From now on, any orders will be paid up front, or at least a good sized deposit....non refundable. I just cant sit on a bunch of little chickies. If it were spring, or summer, wouldnt be soo bad. But winter chickies are hard to find a warm place for.
When my dad was doing woodworking he always made the purchaser put a deposit down. The deposit was the cost of the supplies, so that he didn't have that out of pocket expense, and it was just his time that still had to be paid for. I am sorry that your chicken day has been rough! Tomorrow there is a new one and it will be better!

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