- Apr 27, 2013
- 18
- 0
- 22
Hey everyone!
I'm brand new to this egg hatching thing and never thought in a million years I would be trying to hatch eggs in my basement in the bustling city of Edmonton. But, after a 7 month winter and having NO broody chickens, I thought "why not".
Well. It hasn't gone so well to be honest.
I rescued 4 eggs way back in the middle of March after one of our chickens happened to be sitting on them for 10 days, and then suddenly stopped. The coop was sitting at about 5 Celcius, much to chilly for eggs. But 2 of the 4 eggs did survive and thrived with me underneath a lamp.
On what I guessed to be day 20, I heard chirping inside the egg and nearly dropped it I was so shocked. I tried introducing them back to a chicken that night, but she had no interest and only sat on them about 50%, I assume they got too cold and when I candled them the next day there was no movement, nothing.
BUT! I tried again, everyday I went into the coop and took the eggs home, marking them with a sharpie so I knew what date they were laid.
I had one that was meant to hatch April 22nd, while I was in BC visiting my parents. My fiance mentioned all day Saturday the egg was SO angry with him and everytime he walked by it would erupt in neverending cheeps. Sunday though, the egg was quiet.
Monday when I finally got home at midnight I candled the egg and saw no movement, so I gathered up my courage and cracked it open. The chick was fully formed, and from what I've read through the site, positioned perfectly. His head had pushed through into the air sack, but I could see nowhere that he tried to pip?
So, here's my issue. I have 2 more left out of about 9. One laid April 9, and one April 11. I believe then, that they should hatch on the 30th and the 2nd.
I want them to hatch so bad after all the bad luck I've had. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I imagine a lot though. I didn't know about humidity, so I have put 2 dishes of water under the heat lamp to try to boost it. But really have no way to measure it.
I do have a temp gun and keep them as close to 37.5 as possible as I've read everywhere that this is the "optimal temperature". Sometimes it fluctuates though depending on how warm our house is. I rotate them once per day too because thats what my grandma says to do, "and she raised chickens her whole life, so she knows best." lol.
I've thought about when I hear them chirping to make a small hole on the air sac end, that way at least they won't suffocate, as I suspect thats what happened with this last one. But I'm just not sure if thats the right idea or not.
Anyhow. Any information or advice or even criticism would be great. I want so badly for these little guys to hatch.
I'm brand new to this egg hatching thing and never thought in a million years I would be trying to hatch eggs in my basement in the bustling city of Edmonton. But, after a 7 month winter and having NO broody chickens, I thought "why not".
Well. It hasn't gone so well to be honest.
I rescued 4 eggs way back in the middle of March after one of our chickens happened to be sitting on them for 10 days, and then suddenly stopped. The coop was sitting at about 5 Celcius, much to chilly for eggs. But 2 of the 4 eggs did survive and thrived with me underneath a lamp.
On what I guessed to be day 20, I heard chirping inside the egg and nearly dropped it I was so shocked. I tried introducing them back to a chicken that night, but she had no interest and only sat on them about 50%, I assume they got too cold and when I candled them the next day there was no movement, nothing.
BUT! I tried again, everyday I went into the coop and took the eggs home, marking them with a sharpie so I knew what date they were laid.
I had one that was meant to hatch April 22nd, while I was in BC visiting my parents. My fiance mentioned all day Saturday the egg was SO angry with him and everytime he walked by it would erupt in neverending cheeps. Sunday though, the egg was quiet.
Monday when I finally got home at midnight I candled the egg and saw no movement, so I gathered up my courage and cracked it open. The chick was fully formed, and from what I've read through the site, positioned perfectly. His head had pushed through into the air sack, but I could see nowhere that he tried to pip?
So, here's my issue. I have 2 more left out of about 9. One laid April 9, and one April 11. I believe then, that they should hatch on the 30th and the 2nd.
I want them to hatch so bad after all the bad luck I've had. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. I imagine a lot though. I didn't know about humidity, so I have put 2 dishes of water under the heat lamp to try to boost it. But really have no way to measure it.
I do have a temp gun and keep them as close to 37.5 as possible as I've read everywhere that this is the "optimal temperature". Sometimes it fluctuates though depending on how warm our house is. I rotate them once per day too because thats what my grandma says to do, "and she raised chickens her whole life, so she knows best." lol.
I've thought about when I hear them chirping to make a small hole on the air sac end, that way at least they won't suffocate, as I suspect thats what happened with this last one. But I'm just not sure if thats the right idea or not.
Anyhow. Any information or advice or even criticism would be great. I want so badly for these little guys to hatch.