Head shakin' lip smackin' pale legs


Nov 26, 2018
Quesnel, BC
Pretty sure my hen has worms. I check poop OFTEN...but there is definitely something up with my 1st original hen. The other 3 are her daughter's and that handsome devil is Mr. Eazy-E

Worms can be pretty illusive...considering ive been checking every single day....last 4 days some poop does not look normal to me almost like jelly clots in the poop and think i found 2 worms.

I am indeed fresh to chickens....learning as I go and reading as much as I possibly can to keep them as healthy as I can.

Any and all info is appreciated. I'm deworming tomorrow asap...even if I am wrong. It needs to be part of my chickens regime. See the video give me your thoughts.

It would be good if you could post pics of the poop that concerns you. If worms are present, you should see them move, and they would look like very thin spaghetti if round worms are present.

But that GLW that is engaging in a lot of beak action as if she's trying to swallow something, needs to be examined thoroughly. Have someone hold her head steady as you look into her mouth for any foreign matter or signs that food is being regurgitated into her mouth. She may have a crop issue.

She could also have lesions in her mouth that would be yellowish and pasty. These lesions can be caused by bacteria or a respiratory virus and they can eventually clog the throat, making swallowing next to impossible. Take some photos of it if you find this and post them here.

Feel the crop for fullness. Is it hard with lumps? Is she drinking excess water but not eating much food? Most important is to check her crop early in the morning before she gets off the roost. If the crop is still full after not eating all night, she has a crop disorder.
Try looking inside the mouth of the hen that is doing the lip smacking. Let us know if you see anything out of the ordinary.
It might be best to collect fresh fecal samples from your birds and take it to a vet and have them take a look under a microscope for worm eggs, shouldnt cost much.
Try looking inside the mouth of the hen that is doing the lip smacking. Let us know if you see anything out of the ordinary.
It might be best to collect fresh fecal samples from your birds and take it to a vet and have them take a look under a microscope for worm eggs, shouldnt cost much.
There is nothing inside her mouth. She seems a bit thin to me...however when she is walking around she looks great and fluffy. I think she has round worms. Its winter here ans they r not going outside. Im gonna deworm them and then do a consistent regime. I am new to chickens so I will make mistakes....i love animals and will do anything to keep them healthy and happy.
Ok, Tara is totally against any medications, and suggests taking in a fecal sample to your vet. There are quite a few Canadians on here, so let me see what I can find out.

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