Health insurance rant.

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This thread has been so interesting to read! Canadians, it's great hearing more about your health care system from the perspective of actual Canadians instead of US politicians trying to twist information for their personal gain. It really is amazing how much misinformation gets spread around. Personally, the more I read about Canadian health care the more I like. I'm certain it's not perfect but it does sound to me like it works better than the system we have here. That's just how I feel about it, though, of course others are welcome to have their own opinions. I just can't help but feel that, if someone gets seriously injured or ill, it shouldn't have to devastate everything in their entire life. It just doesn't seem fair. People shouldn't have to be paying huge percentages of their income in order to pay for medical insurance, either. And yes, the people who have money will always have other options when it comes to health care.

QuillGirl, I do definitely agree with you about the issue of lawsuits. Our country has gotten out of control with lawsuits. There's malpractice and criminal negligence, and then there's just inevitable human error. People can't be perfect all the time, no matter how much education and training they have. Medicine is not an exact science, it's highly individual and varying and even the best doctors aren't going to have 100% success rates. I know my mom was worried one of the doctors she works with was going to be sued because a baby slipped out of his hands when it was born and fell to the ground (not a far drop, just a foot or two). The baby was slippery, it's not like he could do much about it aside from installing a net or something! Accidents happen, sometimes we just have to accept it and move on instead of trying to make money on those mistakes. I don't think he was sued over it in the end, thankfully, nor do I think the baby was seriously injured. Of course I think patients have rights to good quality treatment, but this is just way out of control.
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We are self employed as well and CAN NOT carry insurance because of how expensive it is, but I also have to say that we rarely go to the Doctor and when we do the $75.00 visit is way more worth paying that the however many thousands we would have to pay having insurance and never using it!!!
I pay about the same as the OP.. generally... then last year I switched to a higher deductable... $1000 has to come out of my pocket before they cover anything... big mistake! They said it would cost less... but NOT.. I still pay a premium, and then have to save money in an HSA acct... they do pay about part of the deductable for me... Next year I hope to go back to the other way.

You didn't get a raise, neither did I, even though I saved the company more than I made in a year.... But I was so happy the CEO got to walk away with his over 2 million dollar bonus (highest paid bonus to a CEO in CA last year).... so glad he got his before he froze our wages....... needless to say, I haven't put much effort into "saving" that much money this year. I just come in and do my job, which I'm grateful to have..... But that bonus was a reall bum burner for everyone here!
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Since when did being a hard working American become something to laugh at? When did WORKING for your benefits become a bad thing? Wow... scary times.. *shivers*
Yes, i do have eyeglass coverage benefits... and i intend to keep it too. My husband WORKS hard for those benefits..
I have no shame in that at all.

Redhen, I am sorry.. I did not intend to come across as laughing at being hard working American that is lucky enough to have benefits secured by Union membership. I sincerely hope it lasts for your family. It has come to an abrupt end for many Americans with the current competitive global economy. It would be nice to find a way for all hard working Americans to have coverage as your family does.

I better get to work now...

The cost to cover legal risk is a huge factor

Quillgirl, Agreed, it is a factor!
I have been trying to figure out why the per capita cost for coverage in the USA is double that of all other first world nations!

I find it refreshing to find common ground on both sides of this debate.

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To all of you who are self employed or purchase your own insurance -- we purchase our health insurance through Celtic Insurance. They were the most reasonable (was reasonable as health insurance can be). We pay $188.00 a month for the hubby and myself. For our plan, the deductible is $2500.00/a person, but it completely covers physicals once a year and I upgraded the prescription coverage to $500.00 deductible. I also get two doctor visits at $15.00 copay a year after that it's the regular $65.00 fee (we don't use it much -- it came with the plan). While I have a $500.00 deductible on prescription coverage, I still get a discount at participating pharmacies (ex. Zithromax for the hubby was $20.00 instead of $30.00 if I did not have insurance). We completely take advantage of the free prescriptions that Meijer grocery store offers -- generic and most used -- ex. amoxicillan. And we also use Walmart and Kroger when we can for their $4.00 generic prescriptions.

I'm sure it depends by state, but in Michigan Celtic participates in the PPOM network. So when asking your doctor if they take it, ask if they participate in the PPOM network. Again, it depends by state. I know the rep for Celtic told me that there are two different networks -- it depends which state you live in and the rep can figure it out for you. You can apply online or do it over the phone. I have been happy with them so far (had it three years now). They have many different plans to choose from. You can check it all out on their website And the price may vary -- the quote will give you a base price, but if you are overweight, smoke, etc., the price will go up. Ours did a little because I am overweight, but it wasn't a huge jump.

After breaking my leg three years ago (and had no insurance), I decided I'd better get some! Paying for a broken leg wasn't terrible, but paying for a $20000.00 or more surgery would be terrible! It doesn't take long to rack up that much in hospital bills.
We hear mis-information about the US too. I am beginning to think we hear the horror stories of the US health care system to make us grateful for the one we have. "See how bad it is in the US, be grateful for your Government funded health care program, warts and all"
It might be geared to keep us in line so we don't complain or protest when they cut a program because of "budget reasons".

Those Canadians that complain about the health coverage have the right to go elsewhere. As in every big national program, some people do slip through the cracks but there are agencies to help people with these problems. Ombudsman for one.
I know some complainers, there will always will be complainers. Why are they complaining? don't they remember the days of no health care?

Whether the US stories are true or not only those who have first hand knowledge know for sure. You read some very bad stories and other stories that are just everyday normal situations.

So Canadian Politicians are twisting things around too to keep the flock in line, so to speak
It doesn't work, we don't believe them, after all they are Politicians

You want the broad spectrum truth, go ask the Canadian public.
Alright, well...I think my wife and I have decided what to do.

Last year, the difference between the core plan and the "high" plan was $50/paycheck, and there was a huge difference in the level of coverage.. Naturally, we chose the "high" plan..

This year, the difference between the core plan and the "high" plan is $115/paycheck, but the coverage doesn't seem to be that different -- especially if you're not likely to bust your deductible anyway, which I don't think we've *ever* done, even when it was low.

Between core and "high" office visit to your PCP is $10 higher with core, ringing up at $30 instead of $20.. Specialist is $50 on both plans.. ER is $200 on both plans.. Urgent care center is $75 on both plans. Scrips are $10, $30, $60, and 25% on both plans.. The "high" plan does 80%/20% on in- and out-patient stuff after the deductible, whereas the core plan pays 100% after the deductible. At least, that's how I'm reading it.. I suppose that means if something bad happens and you immediately max out your deductible on the "high" plan, you're still on the hook for 20%...whereas with the core plan, once you pay your deductible, you're done paying.

The difference is the deductible...the core plan is $3000/person and $6000/family (dunno what that means..), whereas the "high" plan is $500/$1500.. However, the "out of pocket" amounts on the two plans are almost exactly the same! And if there's anything an insurance company's good at doing, it's finding ways to make sure you hit your OOP limit before they really start kicking in with coverage.

And there's always the fact that no matter what plan you have, they can -- and just might -- cancel you if you ever *really* needed to use it anyway.

Sooooo, ya.. Pretty sure we're just gonna roll the dice and bank the $2990 we'll save in premiums by going with the high-deductible "core" plan, which is pretty much just a $1,300/year ticket to discounts on medical services.

Oh, and I think I know why they call it the "high" plan....because that's what they were when they set the terms and price for it.
Figure out what your medical expense and covered costs for last yeat would have been under each of the plans currently being offered. That will give you reasonable comparison data. If you had unusual expenses last year, or are likely to this year, take that into account.

With a $500 deductable, the plan will start covering you FAR sooner than with a $3000 deductable. That might really make up the cost difference, especially if you have young kids who need frequent office visits.
im 47 have had 2 bypasses in my leg, have you seen the commercials for pad? now ive been fighting a bone infection and will require a partial amputation. bcbs has been good with the coverage.
I AM SCARED TO DEATH OF WHAT THE GOVT HEALTH CARE BILL WILL DO! there is a curve and if you are in your 50s the govt doesnt deem you to be a good investment. so some govt stoooge is going to dictate to the drs and tell them they have x dollars to treat me. that means its cheaper to cut off my legs than to give me a bypass and get another 7 to 10 years from the leg . that needs to be done so the taxpayers can take care of people who are not willing to pay for insurance. I promise that somewhere in that govt plan is a way to give tax dollars to some people to pay for the manditory insurance and not others just like eic.

AND YOU THINK SOCIALIZED MEDICINE IS GOOD? The europeans are running from socialist policies because the are bankrupting their economies.

I hope that this mess gets repealed. My insurance is expensive and i pay a 5000$ deductable every year, and i thank god its there.
the representitives didnt even know what was in the law they signed! unbelivable! VOTE EM OUT!!! save the country.

im typing with 1 hand.

thank you.
please vote, only you can fix this. corporations and unions dont vote, people do. be a citizen and speak out. if you dont nobody will...
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