Hearts and chairs!


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
El Monte
My gamey mutt pullet Godzilla has hearts in her feathers


Boy is Roostroyer a tall boy.

My Brahmaa hen is out biggest doofus too! Her name is Wookie and she is AT LEAST 10 pounds! It is so funny to look at her next to my Dutch Bantam, who doesn't even weigh a pound, I bet. Guess who's higher up on the pecking order, too! Haha!
Chido, I adore your huge brahma! I live in Alaska and about the only source of chicks is the local feed store (hatchery chicks) each spring or by ordering from McMurray (?) hatchery. I bet you got him from a breeder? I had a hatchery brahama which was not at all like your boy. Where did you find such a fine guy??
Iactually go him from a lady in another forum I visit. She get eggs and incubates them every year, and she'd get the eggs and chicks on live cam for us to watch. This year she got cochins and brahmas, and some of them turned out to be cockerels that she had to rehome. I asked her if I could adopt one of here boys, and she said yes. I don't know where she got the aggs from, but it seems Roostroyer is the biggest of the batch. He began to crow about two months ago, way before the cockerels she kept,
. I wish I knew where she got the aggs from because I'd love to get a dark brahma hen fo him.

He already has a nice flock of 4 gamey mutt pullets, a barred rock hen, and we recently got a young leghorn chick. If I manage to build a bigger coop next year, I"m getting another brahma and a couple of wyandottes for him.
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