*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Silverstep nuzzled noses excitedly with her first apprentice, and yowled loudly with the Clan "Hollypaw! Stormpaw! Jaypaw!".
Rainkit tackled Ravenkit, in excitement. And mewed on top of her "I can't wait to be apprentice! I'll be the best one ever!".
"Excitable, aren't you?" Flamekit said as he pushed Rainkit off Ravenkit. "Sorry, she's super energetic when she gets excited." Flamekit told Ravenkit.
Lilypool scolded Rainkit gently "You know you shouldn't tackle!".
Rainkit looked down at her paws "Sorry, Mama," she turned to Ravenkit "Sorry."

Hollypaw followed her mentor excitedly.
"Huh uh!"Ravenkit purred,"I will!"Ravenkit looked at lilypool,"it's fine"she said.
Leopardmoon walked in to Thornclan camp and headed straight for the leaders den to hopefully talk to Oakstar, she had just came back from a border skirmish on a border patrol and her cheek and shoulder were bleeding lightly but it was just small scratches


Waspfang follows behind Leopardmoon with only a few bite marks on his front legs and a rabbit in his jaws


Shadetalon stumbles slightly into Dawnclan camp, he had just been in a fight with two Thornclan cats and wanted to talk to Swanstar as soon as possible even though he should be seeing the medicine cat because he had many wounds though luckily they didn't seem to big

Oakstar sat calmly, then lept to hid paws when he saw Waspwhisker and Leopardmoon,"Leopardmoon!What happened?"he asked.
SwanStar looks over to Shadtalon and jumps of the Highrock,im a Idiot!Why did I do that?I could have killed myself! she thought and raced over to Shadetalon."Shadetalon!What happened?"
Amberpool leads the patrol into the forest and then suddenly stops, "oh sorry I forgot to ask! Where do you want to hunt?"

"Well we should just hunt right here, I can smell tons of prey"Jaypaw hissed angrly.

Squrrielflight nipped him of the ear,"Be nice"she growled.
Hollypaw clawed him ver the ears,"yeah, shut up"
Amberpool ignores Jaypaw and says "how about we hunt over there," pointing with her tail tip.

Also what season is it?

Squrrielflight dropped into the hunters crouch, silintly slinking towards a e expecting mouse, nipping on a seed.She crawled a few more Taillenths and then leapt onto the creature biting its neck and killing it.
(Green leaf, in otherwards , Summer.
Squrrielflight dropped into the hunters crouch, silintly slinking towards a e expecting mouse, nipping on a seed.She crawled a few more Taillenths and then leapt onto the creature biting its neck and killing it.
(Green leaf, in otherwards , Summer.

Amberpool spots a bird and dips into formation and leaps, missing it. "Mouse dung, she hisses"
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Quote: Silverstep smelled a rabbit nearby, she turned her head to Hollypaw to Hollypaw "Smell that?" she asked quietly. "Follow me, lower yourself." demonstrating a hunters crouch and stalking the rabbit. Once close enough Silverstep pounced, landing a kill with a sharp bite to the neck. "Now demonstrate with whatever prey you see." she told her apprentice.
Rainkit bounds up to her mother, "When can I be an apprentice?" she asked.
"When you are six moons old. You are three moons tomorrow, only three more left." Lillypool said, licking her kit.
Flamekit got up from sitting next to Ravenkit and padded quietly against the camp wall to watch the small outlines of cats of the patrol that were still just seeable from the very end of the camp entrance.
Amberpool spots a bird and dips into formation and leaps, missing it. "Mouse dung, she hisses"

Squrrielflight lade her tail on Amberpools shoulder,"it's ok, everyone misses something"she reassured her.
Silverstep smelled a rabbit nearby, she turned her head to Hollypaw to Hollypaw "Smell that?" she asked quietly. "Follow me, lower yourself." demonstrating a hunters crouch and stalking the rabbit. Once close enough Silverstep pounced, landing a kill with a sharp bite to the neck. "Now demonstrate with whatever prey you see." she told her apprentice.

Hollypaw watched carfully, watching every movement Silverstep made.Hollypaw sniffed the air in search of more prey<>Vole!<>she thought quickly.a little stout brown creature was hurrying here and there looking for seeds.Hollypaw dropped down and slunk forward carefully<>Pounce!<>she thought jumping up in the air, landing on top on the vole, breaking its neck.She turned around to Silverstep, her eyes glittering and she held the vole in her jaws.
Rainkit bounds up to her mother, "When can I be an apprentice?" she asked.
"When you are six moons old. You are three moons tomorrow, only three more left." Lillypool said, licking her kit.
Flamekit got up from sitting next to Ravenkit and padded quietly against the camp wall to watch the small outlines of cats of the patrol that were still just seeable from the very end of the camp entrance.

Ravenkit ran up to Lilypool,"I want to be a Aprentince to!"she wailed.
Stormpaw burst from the nursery, running as fast as she could to Nettlewaters den,"Nettlewater!"she yowled,"Goldentail!Kits!Coming!"she hissed, grabbing raspberry leaves and borage in her mouth.
Nettle water grabbed poppys seeds and raspberry leaves and borage as well and ran out of the den and slipped quickly into the nursery.
Ravenkit looked at lilypool,"what's going on?"she mewed.
Goldentail clamped her jaws shut as Nettlewater helped her deliver her kits.
Hollypaw followed her mentor excitedly.
"Huh uh!"Ravenkit purred,"I will!"Ravenkit looked at lilypool,"it's fine"she said.
Oakstar sat calmly, then lept to hid paws when he saw Waspwhisker and Leopardmoon,"Leopardmoon!What happened?"he asked.
SwanStar looks over to Shadtalon and jumps of the Highrock,im a Idiot!Why did I do that?I could have killed myself! she thought and raced over to Shadetalon."Shadetalon!What happened?"

Leopardmoon gave him a small reassuring smile "Well Waspfang was chasing a rabbit and at the border a Dawnclan cat interfered, this Dawnclan cat caught it right on the border so it was on neither side but he acted as if the catch was his after Waspfang was chasing after it for so long. Anyway sir when Waspfang told the cat it was he's rightful catch the Dawnclan cat told him that he had killed it so it was Dawnclan prey now, Waspfang started to fight him for the prey and of course I helped my comrade fight off this cat and we made sure he learned his lesson to not mess with Thornclan." She looked back at Waspfang who standing next to her "Why don't you go share your rabbit with someone" Waspfang nodded to her and trotted off. Leopardmoon looked back at Oakstar "Now I believe we should keep an eye on the Dawnclan border, I'm starting to see an increase in Dawnclan cats around and now with this hostile encounter we should be careful and on a look out for any suspicious activity"


Shadetalon sat down and gave a wound on his paw a lick before talking "I was patrolling the border we share with Thornclan when a rabbit bursted out of a bush almost right into my paws so I killed it, that's when a Thornclan cat ran out of the same bush and a moment later another cat walked out of it too, I didn't recognize the first but the second cat was Leopardmoon their deputy. The first cat asked for the prey I just caught and of course I didn't give it to him, it was my catch but the first got mad and attacked me and soon after the deputy joined him. It was not a fair fight and I had to retreat without the prey, I'm sorry Swanstar" He looks down at his paws angrily "I just wanted to tell you we should be careful around the border now and maybe you should warn the mentors with the new apprentices because they don't know how to fight well yet and I wouldn't want them to be killed because that first Thornclan cat that attacked me was aiming to kill and I was lucky to leave with my life"
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