Heat Related Deaths or complications due to the heat.

You do have your hands full!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am SO mad at the heat right now!
Tuesday and Wednesday were EXTREMELY hot for this area. High of 106F and 42% humidity (heat index of 127F). I lost five hens those two days (RIR, BR, BO, GLW, & an EExBO).
It's so saddening to go collect eggs and see dead hens laying all over.
I've never lost hens to the heat before. I'm looking forward to October's weather...

Sorry to everyone else who's lost hen(s).
OH NO !!!! So sorry for your loss.
That breaks my heart to hear that. You and I and so many others have lost hens to this deadly heat. I will be glad when it is all over. As I turn on my road headed home after work every day, I just brace myself in the event I see dead bodies. As I do a quick check around the chicken yard and the chicken houses, I breath a sigh of relief when I find that everyone survived the heat for that day. Then the anxiety begins again the next day as I drive off to work.

It's a sad thing to have to deal with.
We're still working on the coop (Builder Bob is VERY precise
) So for now the girls remain inside. I'm not pushing to get the hen house finished, which I would do by picking up power tools and making a random aim at lumber -- works every time -- it's too hot to put the girls outside anyway. At this point they think they are house chickens and that the average radiant temperature is 72. What's another few weeks indoors, more or less?

Next year I see AC in my girls' coop... and a baby pool in the run... and fans... frozen pop bottles. Whooo-doggies, it is hot, hot, hot!

I am so sorry about the loss of your birds. I can almost feel the sadness in all of these posts. My sympathies to all, and a wish for cool breezes to help your flocks.
Thanks everyone for the kind words...
I've been miserable the last few days thinking about them. It seems like we'll get a break from the heat wave though. Today was mostly cloudy, with a high of 90F, which is much cooler. So I don't think I'll find any dead hens tonight when I go collect eggs...

The five-day weather forecast says that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday will be mostly cloudy with highs of 88F-94F. But by Monday and Tuesday it's supposed to warm back up again...
I need some advice. I went outside and found my White Crested Black Polish hen dead. Harley was my favorite, always at me feet when I went into their large, open chicken area. It's been hot, but nothing like it was in June. I'm at a loss. She did have diarrhea for months. What could have happened? It's my first flock. I still have Ethyl(Black Barred Rock), Lucy( Rhode Island Red) and Jane & Cheeks, 2 month old Silver Laced Polish. They seem perfectly well. I just don't want to see that again.... thnaks, Dwayne
Dwayne - I am truly sorry for you losing your girls. It is always hard to lose one but when it is one of your favorites.

Have any other girls had diarhea? Have you ever wormed them all? Did you see any blood in their poop?

When my Isabella it had actually cooled down a little bit but I know it was the heat that killed her or at least caused her to have a stroke or heart attack from the heat. Do they have a shady area to go and hide when it is really hot? Offer them frozen treats and I put ice in their water ( i freeze containers and water bottles, and empty milk jugs). When I lost my Nellie it was very hot and at the time I didn't let them free range while I wasn't home because I worry to much about something happening to them. We made modifications to one coop and made more ventilation and I started letting them out of their run. I feel that they are far happier since they have been free ranging and I am to even though I still worry about something happening.

I hope I have given you a few things to look into to get you started. I also search any new sympton that my chickens show. (hubby says I need a life) lol
Dwayne--so very sorry about Harley.

I would have a flock fecal tested ASAP as minor or moderate infestation of worms or cocci can make them less able to handle any other challenges to their system and damages their intestines. Major infestations can even be deadly. This may or may not be what caused her loss but is a common enough occurrence it needs to be ruled out. Still give them lots of fresh, cool water and be sure they have shade to stay cool.

Again, my sympathies.
So sad everybody

If there is any way at all that those of you also in insanely hot places can bring your feathered friends into a basement or other area to wait it out, you may avoid losses. (I did this at one point when temps were consistently over 100 with heat index and I felt the cumulative impact was simply too much for them - they hated it but they lived - yes, it took awhile to clean the basement!). Or, don't laugh, get them a small window AC (they are well less than $100 right now, often with rebates for energy efficient ones) - said AC can later be used for other purposes as they are really lightweight and easy to move around nowadays. After struggling practically every day of June to keep my feather-kids alive (which I did) I finally went to Best Buy and got them an AC July 4th weekend. I'm glad I did because July was murder too. And so far August as well. Luckily my building for them is such that they sleep in an area not in direct path of air from AC - not everyone will have set up like this.

Since it seems we have landed on the sun I wouldn't be surprised if extreme temps happen again and again and finding ways heretofore not considerd not to lose birds to the heat will become the new norm. Traditional methods of ice, cold treats and fans sometimes is sadly not enough anymore.

No response necessary. Just food for thought for those who might be able to do same. (clearly, in case where folks have a boatload of chickens, bringing them into the house is very diifficult..... at best!)


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