Heat Related Deaths or complications due to the heat.

I lost my Mottled Java about 2 weeks ago, an EE last week and today an Ameraucana. The temps here in Dallas, TX have been over 100 for two weeks with the heat index sometimes over 110. I just feel so bad. In the morning they look fine and by the time I get home from work they're gone. We have misters set up, I change the water in the morning and my neighbor changes it around 2 pm and puts water bottles with ice in them. We have lots of wild sunflowers in the run so there is plenty of shade. I just don't get it. I'm at a loss as to what else we could do. It doesn't seem to get any easier when I lose one of my girls.
I am so sorry about your hens.

Set up fans to blow in part of their run. If you can, get an air conditioner for their hen house. Temps that high--is crazy hot. Kiddie pools with ice water may help too.
It has been ridiculously hot here in Tennessee (mid to upper 90s every day, lows in the 70s), and the chickens are doing a lot of panting and holding wings aside. No obvious health complications that I've observed, although I have a Buff Orp cockerel who I think might have a respiratory infection likely exacerbated by the high humidity.

I have been doing the adding ice to the water to help. My coop/runs are nested into the shade and treeline, so that helps. They've also been using "natural air conditioning"... my acreage has woods with large boulder fields, and when I let them free range, they've been heading out into the woods and huddling between cool rocks. Also, my one flock found where the condensate drain line from my air conditioning unit comes out, so they've been holding wild pool parties under my deck.
My sympathies to those that have lost a baby in these temps.Ive been worried sick abt my girls in this horrible heat and going crazy with "trying everything."I have a 10 x8 coop and have set up 2 big box fans.In front of 1 of the fans I have a dish drainer tub w/1 gal jug of froz h20 n several small frozen h20 bottles.As many as will fit in there.I put out 2 baby pools in the run and continue to refresh the h20 through out the day.A wild grape vine appeared this year on top of the run and has weaved nicely in the chicken wire and that has given them alot of shade in the front section and the back section of the run has old evergreens keeping that area shaded.My floor is concrete backer board so I hosed down the inside of the coop n that helped alot.Tonight I soaked the roof again and that also helps.Been trying to do that a few times a day as well.I poured cold h20 on the perimeter of the floor inside at night n then pour a few bags of ice all ard where I just poured the cold h20.I do the frozen h20 bottles in their waterer as well.Mine think they are at a "buffet" with all the goodies they get.They love the frozen blueberries and cold tomatoes the best.Someone said not to give them corn when its hot,why is that?? I have been giving them the cold corn on the cob in tha am.What evers left from supper the night before.Didnt know it was bad for them???? I do have a window AC n I have a window but my babies (5mos RIR's)fly out to the play yard via the window vs the trap door like my 2 yr old GLW n BW's..I would worry abt the girls getting hurt from the AC??? wouldnt they get caught in it if it is close enough? There is no way to put it in the window n keep them away from it.Would it still be safe??? 1 of my 2yr old 's was panting like crazy in the nesting box today,she was laying but seems to take forever.When she does this should I try to shoo her out or leave her alone?? I did put frozen h20 bottles ard the nesting boxes too.I will do that search n see if there is anything else I can do.I feel so bad locking em up at night but we have toooo many critters lurking ard us.Thanks for all the ideas/Good luck to all who are battling the heat as well. Its been tough.
Hmmm, I'm wondering. I've had a BO die a few months ago, another a few days ago, and now my BLRW is I think not eating well, and may be heat stressed. If she isn't very active tomorrow, I'll bring her in the house.
Hmmm, I'm wondering. I've had a BO die a few months ago, another a few days ago, and now my BLRW is I think not eating well, and may be heat stressed. If she isn't very active tomorrow, I'll bring her in the house.

Yes, those unfortunate deaths may have been heat related. Sorry for your loss. Would be a good idea to bring her in the house. Keep us posted on how she is doing.
I am dying with guilt. We've had 104 + for 6 days. I let my flock out to free range so they could go into the woods where it is cooler. I knew something might happen, but they are sooo hot. My run does have shade, but not deep shade, and I have fans going. Something, I think a dog, got 4 of my beautiful hens.
There is a bird dog that the neighbor the next farm over lets run wild.
They had just started to lay. It broke my heart.

I had to bring one in the house last night to cool down. There just isn't alot you can do besides what we are doing here on this site, sharing info and trying the best we can. Today is suppose to be the last day of the triple digit heat here in Kansas. I am hoping so. I don't think they can take much more.
Sorry about your loss.
I'm in VA and we've had triple digits here too and plenty of humidity. My husband hooked up a fan in the coop and one in the run to help and we use galvanized waterers which I place ice in them in the morning. (Galvanized is much better than the plastic ones) Another item our chicks seem to like is standing in a bird bath. I purchased a low standing bird bath from a major hardware store and they get up in it to wet their feet. We tried a small pool but they won't touch it.

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