Heating pad for chicks

Have you spoken with them for tips and tricks and experiences?

Please do, pics would be a bonus!
Best of Luck on your hatch and brooding!
I haven’t but that’s a thought.. thanks.. I am thinking of maybe covering the top of the brooder at least half with something breathable but will keep some warmth in...
Ehhh, how cold is the room they are in?
The pads work by contact, not meant to warm the air like lamps do.
Not sure what the exact temp is in our room my guess is around 65 to 70. I know the pad wouldn’t help the air much but I figure the body heat may help keep it a little warmer...
I am also going to try it with the hatch I am doing now to have a pretext so to say for it to see how it will do.. I just don’t want them to get cold. It worries me..
I bought one a couple years ago and tried it with chicks and it didn’t work they cheeped non stop so I took it out and used my heating pad diy brooder plate and everyone calmed right down. Why is the fire marshal stuck on this, I would talk to them about a brooder plate just as safe as this. Maybe they are just against heat lamps and don’t know about brooder plates that are more efficient.
I am currently using this for some chicks at home to try it out.. they love it. They are quite and sleep all night without much noise... it’s working great.. I have no complaints..
I was just reading the OP link of the product and it says “ These pads are thermostatically controlled to turn on and off as needed to help keep your chickens warm even in sub-zero temperatures.“ would it work in a warm room? After I used it I thought that maybe the cute chicks were a marketing ploy and was meant to supplement older chicks that just need a little extra heat and were almost feathered out.
I was just reading the OP link of the product and it says “ These pads are thermostatically controlled to turn on and off as needed to help keep your chickens warm even in sub-zero temperatures.“ would it work in a warm room? After I used it I thought that maybe the cute chicks were a marketing ploy and was meant to supplement older chicks that just need a little extra heat and were almost feathered out.
Yes i have the brooder in my house now. It works fine.. I have put my hand on it time and time again making sure it was warm.
Working great.. chicks lay down on it and fall fast asleep... my chicks are all under a week old at the moment..
Yes i have the brooder in my house now. It works fine.. I have put my hand on it time and time again making sure it was warm.
Working great.. chicks lay down on it and fall fast asleep... my chicks are all under a week old at the moment..
Glad you got a chance to test it out.
When are the class chicks due to hatch?

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