Heavy Breeds.

I've got 5 pekins... had 6, but one of them had a deformed leg issue, so we had to cull her...

the 2 furthest left are our older birds, both hens, that we bought from a local farm market on easter... I think they may be jumbos... they outweigh the heaviest of the other three( which came from McMurry, 5/1 hatch) by a good 2 lbs...
I have what I think are a pair of Saxony babies. It took 3 attempts with shipped eggs, so I really hope they are a boy and girl. One is really buff/salmon color, and the other is kind of grey. They are the same size still.

I hatched out a bunch of anconas with them, and its amazing how young you can train these guys. They are out all day and waiting by their little coop at night to be tucked in. So cute. I love ducks. They've been having a blast with all the rain we finally got this week.
I have Muscovy too. I love them. Mine are about 4 months old now. 4 ducks and a drake. Waiting for eggs and then babies.

what is that coloring called... I usually don't think much of the way most 'scovies look, but those are rather attractive looking birds...
what is that coloring called... I usually don't think much of the way most 'scovies look, but those are rather attractive looking birds...

Thanks. They are barred. Black and chocolate (i think) I am not an expert on colors though. The drake and one hen are black barred the others chocolate. When they deveop their adult plumage they may end up more solid, I had one before that was barred and when he grew up he was almost completely black.
Most people don't like the caruncles (the red stuff) on their heads but if you get them young it kind of grows on you.
Thanks. They are barred. Black and chocolate (i think) I am not an expert on colors though. The drake and one hen are black barred the others chocolate. When they deveop their adult plumage they may end up more solid, I had one before that was barred and when he grew up he was almost completely black.
Most people don't like the caruncles (the red stuff) on their heads but if you get them young it kind of grows on you.
I actually like the caruncles! :D
I actually like the caruncles! :D
x2! I love my scovys! These are my guys

Ellie, this was during her first time being broody....the ding dong got up and left the nest 4 days before they were due to hatch. That was middle June...she is suprisingly broody again sitting on 12 fertile eggs

This is Eliza, one VERY broody girl...sitting on 7 or 8(lost count lol) fertile eggs of her own and 3 fertile chicken eggs :) due to hatch July 24th

And this is our new boy for next years babies :) His name is Eeyore! Can't wait to see what he looks like when he grows up!
I love Muscovies too. I have one that looks like the chocolate ones. The lady I got them from told me they were a cross between lavender and chocolate. Then another person called them "rippled" colored. I just call them beautiful :)
I'm a newbee to ducks. I have 2 Rouens w/o crests and 1 crested. Sadly, the 4th one passed away shortly after taking it out of it's shipping box. They are a week old now and are the cutest little things. I'm not sure how to get them to not be afraid of us. We change their water several times a day. Somehow, they manage to get pine shavings up inside the jar like backwash in their water. Yuck! I keep their litter as dry as I can by cleaning it daily. They stay huddled in a corner until I leave or back way off. They are going to be pets and possibly used for 4-H.

Also, do I need to add grit to their feed? What do you feed your ducks? What treats do you give them? Can they have basically the same treats the chicks? (I know not medicated chick feed.)
We are duck newbies too.... But we have (3) 9/wo Jumbo Pekins (2 Duck and a Drake) and (2) 7w/o Rouens (a Duck and a Drake)... or so we think....

The Pekins are HUGE!! I am told the Rouens are going to grow slower than the Pekins and that is why the Pekins make better meat birds. My Rouens are gorgeous , but it VERY HARD to imagine them bigger than the Pekins.... Time will tell.

*Side note* We have a pair of Muskies down the street that just wander the streets and we have no idea who owns them or if they just own themselves... It was a trio at one point...

I love my ducks, but they are still very skittish... Will this get better over time?

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