My entry into the backyard chicken keeping world is an odd one! A year ago, a stray hen started roosting in our trees. When no one in the area claimed her, and she hadn't left after a week, I bought her some food. After another week, it was clear she had decided we were her people!
How many chickens do you have right now?
Three hens and four chicks
What breeds do you have?
Our mystery hen Ruth (ISA brown?)
Minerva, Black Australorp
Fiona, Easter egger
Four brand new fluffbutts, not yet named:
Black Copper Marans
Cream Legbar
Buff Orpington
What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
Their unique personalities, funny antics, and of course, eggs!
What are some of your other hobbies?
I work in childcare with a Montessori/RIE background. I LOVE dogs and dog training. I'm fascinated by anthrozoology, microbiology, all things nerd. I'm also a former art major that still dabbles. I own too many books and houseplants, wouldn't have it any other way.
I joined BYC to become a better chicken mom and learn as much as I can about egg color genetics. I hope to begin selling eggs at my local farmer's market next spring!
How many chickens do you have right now?
Three hens and four chicks
What breeds do you have?
Our mystery hen Ruth (ISA brown?)
Minerva, Black Australorp
Fiona, Easter egger
Four brand new fluffbutts, not yet named:
Black Copper Marans
Cream Legbar
Buff Orpington
What are your favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?
Their unique personalities, funny antics, and of course, eggs!
What are some of your other hobbies?
I work in childcare with a Montessori/RIE background. I LOVE dogs and dog training. I'm fascinated by anthrozoology, microbiology, all things nerd. I'm also a former art major that still dabbles. I own too many books and houseplants, wouldn't have it any other way.
I joined BYC to become a better chicken mom and learn as much as I can about egg color genetics. I hope to begin selling eggs at my local farmer's market next spring!