Hello From Texas!!

just a clucking

In the Brooder
8 Years
May 4, 2011
I have had chicken fever for a while now so i finally talked my hubby raising a few chickens.. growing up we had chickens, ducks and a few goats. I wanted to give my two children some of the same wonderful experiences i had as a child feeding the chicks and collecting the eggs etc.. we bought our chicks from a wonderful lady a few miles down the road from us. We went for about 4 to 6 baby chicks and came back with 10 chicks and two turkeys.. lol.. So far we have 2 frizzles, 2 polish crested, 3 ameraucanas, 3 barred rocks and 2 bronze turkeys.. i wanted to get a few silkies but i will have to wait a few weeks for some to hatch. As of now we have them in the brooder and they are all doing great. I am really rusty but hopefully all continues to go well for our feathery friends. My daughters already have them so spoiled. It is neat to see all their neat little personalities coming out more and more each day.
Good luck with your fuzzybutts!! They are so entertaining, and they develop so quickly!!

I hope you enjoy the site, and learn all that you can about your lovely little chickens!! Welcome to BYC!!

If you need anything, PM me, and I will try to help you out in anyway I can... It is good to have another chicken lover on the forum!
Thanks for the warm welcome.. This site is AMAZING!! So much usefull info. I can already tell it is going to be addicting.. lol..

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