Hello y'all! Mourning Dove baby


5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
This is the first link I found when I Googled "raise mourning doves" so I decided to join.

I live in an apt building with a terrace where I keep some plants in pots. I have a small tree in a pot and a mourning dove made her nest there.

I saw 2 small eggs! But one of them was I guess stillborn; the other one thrived.

However I haven't seen either of the two adults for about 2 days ... the baby is left alone!

I had some sesame seeds so I left them near him (or her?) and put some water in a small ramekin.

What should I do? I don't want to see him perish. I love animals and will break my heart if he doesn't survive.

What's the best kind of food?

Will he learn how to fly without his parent?

I hope the prognosis is good ...

Any help you all can give is most appreciated!

Thank you!

Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.
Good luck with your birds, and I hope you find everything you need to know. Don't forget to take a look at BYC's very useful learning center (If you haven't already)! The learning center as well as the forum should answer your questions! Glad to have you here! See you around the forum.
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This is the first link I found when I Googled "raise mourning doves" so I decided to join.

I live in an apt building with a terrace where I keep some plants in pots. I have a small tree in a pot and a mourning dove made her nest there.

I saw 2 small eggs! But one of them was I guess stillborn; the other one thrived.

However I haven't seen either of the two adults for about 2 days ... the baby is left alone!

I had some sesame seeds so I left them near him (or her?) and put some water in a small ramekin.

What should I do? I don't want to see him perish. I love animals and will break my heart if he doesn't survive.

What's the best kind of food?

Will he learn how to fly without his parent?

I hope the prognosis is good ...

Any help you all can give is most appreciated!

Thank you!



I like your concern so here boil up an egg and let cool peal off
the shell and mash with a fork and see if the little fella will eat
now a little bag of Turkey Grow about 5 lbs should be good
for you this has every-thing you will need .....

BYC has a very helpful learning center

I may only raise poultry but the finches around here
just thrive and I do have three nest under the eves
of my house


Welcome to BYC!

Oh my...I would follow the link to the Doves section that Kelsie has provided for you. I have no idea what you can do in this situation. Keep us posted!

Welcome to our flock and good luck with the baby Dove!

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