Help! Air cell’s too small but duckling’s still Alive trying to pip!

sorry for the late reply, this looks okay, should be fully closed very very soon, if not already-!
@Crossaint how’s it going now?

My momma duck has 3 ducklings so far
View attachment 3038276
The belly has completely closed! It’s just a bump - sort of like a scab now when you feel it!
Aww the babies are so adorablee congratulations!

They’re just so much fun, very loud and crazy - they do parkour and jump on top of the heated platform rather than staying under, and follow each other around when they’re out, especially the younger one, she follows around the older one a lot.

The one on top is the younger one and the one below is the older duckling, and the good news is they’re both girls!

But I also put in a few more calls eggs just yesterday of which 4 are confirmed fertile again, decided to hatch out a couple of more because I’m obsessed lol.
That is such an adorable picture. Great to hear the navel is now closed. Give it a few more days to completely dry up and fall off then let them play in warm water up to the tops of their legs from there gradually make it deeper just always stay close by they tire easy and you don't want them to chill either.
That is such an adorable picture. Great to hear the navel is now closed. Give it a few more days to completely dry up and fall off then let them play in warm water up to the tops of their legs from there gradually make it deeper just always stay close by they tire easy and you don't want them to chill either.
Thank you and got it! I’ll wait a little longer before letting them come in contact with water, and of course I’ll make sure to stay close and keep an eye on them!
How do you know that they are females?
A friend of mine showed me how to sex ducklings before through vent sexing, so I did that with them - there is the chance that I didn’t do it right though and their penis didn’t pop out! That’s why I’m hatching out more in case these two are a boy and girl instead
Thank you and got it! I’ll wait a little longer before letting them come in contact with water, and of course I’ll make sure to stay close and keep an eye on them!

A friend of mine showed me how to sex ducklings before through vent sexing, so I did that with them - there is the chance that I didn’t do it right though and their penis didn’t pop out! That’s why I’m hatching out more in case these two are a boy and girl instead
Sometimes it can be tricky! Males can sometimes... hold it in. Lol.
Since you're getting more, do you have a plan for the extra drakes? Personally I would purchase some sexed ducklings, unless you're prepared to keep a bachelor pen/find homes for excess drakes!
Sometimes it can be tricky! Males can sometimes... hold it in. Lol.
Since you're getting more, do you have a plan for the extra drakes? Personally I would purchase some sexed ducklings, unless you're prepared to keep a bachelor pen/find homes for excess drakes!
Yes! I plan to give them to a friend who’s been wanting ducklings as well but she isn’t ready to hatch them herself and there isn’t anyone selling ducklings nearby right now - the only ducklings are an hour and a half away, they’re Indian runners and the sellers only selling three at a time, they won’t sell less. I don’t think they’re sexed either?
Hi! So I’m currently on day 10 for these eggs and I’ve noticed one of them has this dark splodge

The other eggs seem fine, this is the only egg that has that and I’m a bit worried somethings wrong and maybe the egg is dead?
That egg might be turning bad but I still see veins so leave it in the incubator and see what happens. Be sure to keep an eye on it though and if it doesn't start to develop you'll need to get it out so it doesn't explode in the incubator.

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