Help! Air cell’s too small but duckling’s still Alive trying to pip!

Oh ok that’s good! They both seem strong right now but because of the blood veins left behind and the still slightly open hole (saw it today - it closed quite a bit though), is there anything specific I should give, particularly to the younger one to make sure there’s no complications later on as well? I’m not rly sure about the ones for humans with added stuff. I think I found the one for animals shown before but it takes 2 weeks to arrive and its £36, a bit out of budget right now! There’s also this:
View attachment 3035795View attachment 3035796
What size is the hole today? You say it's closed up quite a bit, about half the size, or?
I'm not sure about that one, I know a lot of people use the durvet cattle injectable vit B complex, 1ml over a treat, and its meant to work well, can you access this one where you are? this is the liquid B complex you want. unless you have horses and want to buy the larger size. I have to order online since my feed store doesn't carry it.
You can also put some antibiotic ointment on the little ducklings navel just in case it is still open today. Main thing is keeping it clean. this is the liquid B complex you want. unless you have horses and want to buy the larger size. I have to order online since my feed store doesn't carry it.
You can also put some antibiotic ointment on the little ducklings navel just in case it is still open today. Main thing is keeping it clean.
What size is the hole today? You say it's closed up quite a bit, about half the size, or?
I'm not sure about that one, I know a lot of people use the durvet cattle injectable vit B complex, 1ml over a treat, and its meant to work well, can you access this one where you are?

This is what it looks like:

What sort of ointment is safe for them? And can I give them a bath to keep it clean or are they too young to be in water?

It’ll take 2 weeks to get that specific b-complex and it’s like 40-50 dollars here so it won’t be possible 😬
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This is what it looks like:
View attachment 3035844

What sort of ointment is safe for them? And can I give them a bath to keep it clean or are they too young to be in water?

It’ll take 2 weeks to get that specific b-complex and it’s like 40-50 dollars here so it won’t be possible
I have bought both these types off amazon. I’m in Canada so it maybe different then what you can get
I would avoid baths for a few more days
I started mine on day 3. Warm water not hot shallow and only 5 mins. Then I would dry them off with paper towel as it absorbs the water better
I have a plug heater that blows warm air I would turn on as I dried them to keep it warm so they didn’t get a chill.
Others will dau don’t bath them that young as they don’t have a mom to give oils but my ducks would preen themselves and rub the oil glands from day 3 on. They built up oil in no time.
Mine love water and we’re underwater diving at a week old
Here is a few tips to keep babies strong and healthy
1- nutritional yeast 1 tbs per cup of feed
Do not leave wet feed as it gets mould and will make them sick.
2- I did the vitamin B in a separate smaller water dish
1mil per 4 cups mixed then would give smaller bowl and they drank it right up. Once the B is open put it in the fridge
You need chick grit if you are feeding anything other then the feed like treats
I had a Small bowl available at all times once I started treats around 2-3 weeks
Peas in the bathtub was a favourite. They would dive under to get them
Making sure babies always have deep enough water to dunk their heads
I had 2 water dishes. One deep enough and 1 for the vitamin water I gave once a day
They need a heat source but also a place to get away from the heat
I see so many set ups where it’s a small crate with a heat lamp and it’s still warm all over the crate with no cool down
I used a heat plate and made a big pen
My ducklings stopped using the heat between 2-3 weeks but I like a warm house
If they are panting they are to warm
I was only able to use puppy pads for 2 weeks as they started to chew them so be ready to switch to wood chips or straw
I did start with wood chips but my one guy got a piece stuck in his nose and took 5 days to get it out with 2 baths a day. Now I will use puppy pads for the first few weeks but also making a space with no wood chips where they eat and drink will help with that.
For the bottom I did tarps to keep my floor safe and easy clean up
My set up allowed me to keep the water and feed away from the wood chips with a small wall separating them
I used small pet fencing to make my pen and it’s still working great. I did the solid panels when they were small then the ones with holes when they got bigger I also made it bigger as they grew to give lots of room to run around
I’ll attach pics so you can see.


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I have bought both these types off amazon. I’m in Canada so it maybe different then what you can get
I would avoid baths for a few more days
I started mine on day 3. Warm water not hot shallow and only 5 mins. Then I would dry them off with paper towel as it absorbs the water better
I have a plug heater that blows warm air I would turn on as I dried them to keep it warm so they didn’t get a chill.
Others will dau don’t bath them that young as they don’t have a mom to give oils but my ducks would preen themselves and rub the oil glands from day 3 on. They built up oil in no time.
Mine love water and we’re underwater diving at a week old
Here is a few tips to keep babies strong and healthy
1- nutritional yeast 1 tbs per cup of feed
Do not leave wet feed as it gets mould and will make them sick.
2- I did the vitamin B in a separate smaller water dish
1mil per 4 cups mixed then would give smaller bowl and they drank it right up. Once the B is open put it in the fridge
You need chick grit if you are feeding anything other then the feed like treats
I had a Small bowl available at all times once I started treats around 2-3 weeks
Peas in the bathtub was a favourite. They would dive under to get them
Making sure babies always have deep enough water to dunk their heads
I had 2 water dishes. One deep enough and 1 for the vitamin water I gave once a day
They need a heat source but also a place to get away from the heat
I see so many set ups where it’s a small crate with a heat lamp and it’s still warm all over the crate with no cool down
I used a heat plate and made a big pen
My ducklings stopped using the heat between 2-3 weeks but I like a warm house
If they are panting they are to warm
I was only able to use puppy pads for 2 weeks as they started to chew them so be ready to switch to wood chips or straw
I did start with wood chips but my one guy got a piece stuck in his nose and took 5 days to get it out with 2 baths a day. Now I will use puppy pads for the first few weeks but also making a space with no wood chips where they eat and drink will help with that.
For the bottom I did tarps to keep my floor safe and easy clean up
My set up allowed me to keep the water and feed away from the wood chips with a small wall separating them
I used small pet fencing to make my pen and it’s still working great. I did the solid panels when they were small then the ones with holes when they got bigger I also made it bigger as they grew to give lots of room to run around
I’ll attach pics so you can see.
I want to add if using chicken feed switch from starter to grower at 3 weeks.also non medicated feed I did 3/4 to 1/4 for 3–4 days then 1/2 to 1/2 for 3-4 days then 1/4 to 3/4 for 3-4 days then full grower. This helps to prevent things like angel wing. I know first hand as I didn’t research enough when I first got ducks and I caused my drake angel wing
The vet tried wrapping but he wouldn’t keep it on so now he lives with it
The protein is to high in starter for the fast growing ducks
The lady I got MR peep from never had one have it and I hatched 5 babies from him and daisy and none have it so it was not genetics but my fault
Hope all this helps
@New duck mommy 2021 you make us all look bad! :lau

I may give a little NutriDrench to a weaker duckling, just for the first few days to get them going. But otherwise, they don’t get any other medicine or supplements. I just don’t find it necessary. I don’t mean to sound critical, I’m just saying they will probably be fine without going to extremes. Feel free to spoil your ducks however you see fit, I’m sure mine would be super jealous! But don’t feel bad if you can’t buy everything that gets suggested. Feeding them a proper diet and keeping them warm are the only basic requirements for the first couple of weeks. Jmho
@New duck mommy 2021 you make us all look bad! :lau

I may give a little NutriDrench to a weaker duckling, just for the first few days to get them going. But otherwise, they don’t get any other medicine or supplements. I just don’t find it necessary. I don’t mean to sound critical, I’m just saying they will probably be fine without going to extremes. Feel free to spoil your ducks however you see fit, I’m sure mine would be super jealous! But don’t feel bad if you can’t buy everything that gets suggested. Feeding them a proper diet and keeping them warm are the only basic requirements for the first couple of weeks. Jmho
You know I over spoil mine :) but I only have a handful
My vet tech did say if she died and came back a duck she would want to live at my place as my ducks live like royalty lol
I was cleaning up last night and daisy was yelling at me. I hadn’t got to their pen yet. She doesn’t like a dirty pen she wants it clean by her water dish and she likes fresh water to drink
I cleaned her area and got fresh water she was happy
She is picky and that’s my fault but that’s okay :)
This is what it looks like:
View attachment 3035844

What sort of ointment is safe for them? And can I give them a bath to keep it clean or are they too young to be in water?

It’ll take 2 weeks to get that specific b-complex and it’s like 40-50 dollars here so it won’t be possible 😬
sorry for the late reply, this looks okay, should be fully closed very very soon, if not already-!

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