Help almost all my chickens are dead or dying

Crystal Anderson

Sep 18, 2017
Yesterday at 10am I heard my chicks yelling from the back porch like they do for food or water
. They are kinda winny.
I went out to fill both and in the nesting area 9 of the chicks were dead on top of each other and blood and waterness splattered on the walls and door and bodies ... I had 6 rhode island reds and 12 buff orphantins got them as pullets only from online and tractor supply. They were happy and healthy cuddly and engaging there whole lives no issues .. we got them a new coop and put them outside on the porch till we moved them to the big coop with the rest of the chickens . I assumed a terrible fight broke out .. but now this morning the 3 remaining buffs are dead and the reds who were 3 weeks older are clearly not feeling well separate areas starring at the walls and not engaged lathargic and sad .. they seem to have blood and white stuff on them and there bottoms out of.nowhere also . We see and take care of and cuddle the chickens every day. My kids are confused and devastated and so am I.. I have no idea what happened
But there is no damage to the coop from an outside predator ..
Photos would be helpful, but sounds like it may be coccidiosis since they are hunched and lethargic and I'm guessing from your description that they are passing bloody stools. Corid is the treatment and you will find it in the cattle section of your local farm store. Get the liquid and give the sick chicks a drop or two of the concentrate directly into their beak. Dilute 2 teaspoons to a gallon of water (or half to a quart) and supply as their only drinking water. You may need to direct dose the sick ones with a drop or two twice a day until they start to perk up and are eating and drinking the medicated water.
It is worth starting the Corid even if it may not be coccidiosis as it is a mild medicine. Your local vet should be able to examine some poop and confirm coccidiosis but since they are dying fast, it is as well to start the Corid asap.
. I assumed a terrible fight broke out ..
A picture of you coop and set up can help... weasels can make it through VERY small holes... and the way they were piled is very indicative of a predator. Also in coccidiosis outbreaks I never yet seen blood splattered on the walls or anywhere else.

Sorry for your loss. :(

How old are your chicks and where are you located?
9 of the chicks were dead on top of each other and blood and waterness splattered on the walls and door and bodies
I assumed a terrible fight broke out
this morning the 3 remaining buffs are dead and the reds who were 3 weeks older are clearly not feeling well separate areas starring at the walls and not engaged lathargic and sad .. they seem to have blood and white stuff on them and there bottoms
Photos of the chicks, their poop and where you are keeping them would be helpful.
Blood splattered all over and a pile of bodies is a predator attack. You need to post photo of the scene and describe the setup and injuries to better determine which predator did the killing. Most likely it was a fox, coyote, dog, raccoon or weasel.

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