HELP! broody died eggs are dying

Those mites will be a lot easier to see and remove from the eggs than any chicks that hatch. Get rid of them before that happens. Set up a new clean box with a clean towel in it. Set up the heat lamp over it in a different room and move one egg at a time to the new box, killing any mites on it before you put it in the new box. Then dust or spray the contents of the old box.
But don't forget to keep your humidity level up so they don't shrink-wrap. I live in a VERY dry climate and on hatch day with my incubator, I put a vaporizer in the room and keep the door closed so the humidity level rises in the environment. Then when I open the incubator to take out a chick, I haven't affected the humidity level too much and have had very successful hatches since doing that.
You people are all nuts.Can you stop with information overload.Kid is doing his best .He doesn't need a million opinions to get these eggs to hatch.candle the eggs pick up the eggs,wipe of the eggs ,spray the eggs ,put powder on the eggs.This is ridiculous eggs won't have chance of hatching if handle that much.Simple put lamp about 18inches above eggs and leave them alone.If they hatch they hatch.If you listen to all the crazy advice being given I guarantee they won't hatch.
Another thing if hen was sitting on eggs they won't all be in day21 .She can only pay 1 egg a day and even if she is collecting other hens eggs it will take few days to get 10 eggs so odds are eggs are between day 17 and day 20.So don't expect to all hatch at same time or any to even hatch for a day or 2.
Those mites will be a lot easier to see and remove from the eggs than any chicks that hatch. Get rid of them before that happens. Set up a new clean box with a clean towel in it. Set up the heat lamp over it in a different room and move one egg at a time to the new box, killing any mites on it before you put it in the new box. Then dust or spray the contents of the old box.
I agree.

I have done so. There are a few little pesky ones on the eggs still. Nothing a bit of sticky tape cant handle.
Oh my! this reads like a horror story! I am so sorry! Please keep us posted! I have had completely still eggs hatch out of the blue, and the cold may delay the hatch so don't give up yet!
I know!

I have heard a peep yesterday and even today! When i was tapping on the eggs. So i will wait and see if one would like to hatch by tonight. And wait a few more days for the rest. After candleing them, most are viable. Although bit hard to tell.
But don't forget to keep your humidity level up so they don't shrink-wrap. I live in a VERY dry climate and on hatch day with my incubator, I put a vaporizer in the room and keep the door closed so the humidity level rises in the environment. Then when I open the incubator to take out a chick, I haven't affected the humidity level too much and have had very successful hatches since doing that.

The humidity here is well. Its not warm at all outside and inside its warmish cool. Also have a damp towel under them

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