HELP , chick may be sick


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
Help, yesterday we noticed one chick (6 weeks old) acting sluggish and solitary. It was just kind of standing around by itself. We saw it drinking, but not sure if was eating. Today it was still drinking, again, not sure if it was drinking. ( I have not had much time to sit there and watch). Today when my son went to pick it up, but before he could it threw up a clear mucousy substance. I am brand new to chickens. They were treTed for cocci a few weeks ago and are on starter feed and whatever they scratch up in the run. We do give them treats such as zucchini, cucumber, meal worms, earth worms. Any info and help would be great. I am preparing the kids for the worst but am hoping it is just a cold. They do have a heat lamp at night and daytime temps have been in the 80's. Could rapid temp change cause stress sickness? We were around mid sixty temps then our weather changed to mid to upper eighties. Thank you in advance for any help.:idunno
Update: I just went out and picked her up. Her crop felt squishy/sponges. So I read about sour crop and then made her vomit. At first it was clear and mucousy then I thought I saw a piece of grass, not sure if it came out, then it looked like mooshy chick crumble. I put her down and my son gave me their fresh food and she voraciously attacked the chick crumble. Does this sound right to any of you veteran chicken keepers? This gives me a little hope that it is not anything very serious. We did just move their chicken tractor a few days ago and it did have some long grass in the run. Also we have been getting lots of rain, and I mean lots, and one other chick looked like she was rolling in the mud! Lol. Is that normal?
Sorry about the misspelled words. I was typing fast and some of them were probably due to auto correct which I have not figured out yet.:D
So after much time researching etc. I decided that it is sour crop. I found the thread on Mobistar for sour crop as there are no vets in the area that I have found that will treat chickens. I am on day three of treatment. I am giving her 1/6 of a tablet twice a day. I am also feeding her plain Greek yogurt mixed with some water through a dropper. She sleeps a lot and has no interest in food or water. The size of her crop has shrunken. I was wondering when or if I will see improvement. I told my children to prepare themselves for the worst. I just don't know what else to do. Oh by the way, today along with the yogurt water I mixed in a little honey to try to give her a bit of energy. Any suggestions?:bow I am literally praying for this chick.
Darn auto correct. That was supposed to Monistat. I must learn how to turn off autocorrect.
With a blocked crop it is wise to withhold solid food stuffs for a day or two until you are sure the crop is emptying normally. The best time to witness this is in the early morning before birds get down off the roosts. Poultry vitamin and probiotic powder in the water is important during this time. During breeding season, moulting, weather extremes, or use of antibiotics, it is wise to supplement water a couple days a week on a regular basis.
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