Help... Chicken attached by dog can i save her

Thank you everyone for all ur help. I have her resting. I will keep u updated on her progress. I really appreciate it. Some people think. Oh its just a chicken.. Not to me. They are my girls. I look forward to spending time with all 15. Some people just dont understand
Their defiantly NOT just chickens. My hens mean the world to me. Its devastating when something bad happens to any of them.
Ok this is after a bath.
:weeShe is healing up nicely.. Im really surprised. Her skin is turning back pink and healthy looking. I let her with the girls yesterday to play in the yard. And they didnt mess with her. So hopefully 1 more week in the house. And we can keep her with the girls. What is the best thing to get her feathers to regrow?
Her feathers might not regrow, depending on how much skin the dog took off her. The best thing is just protein and waiting until the next molt to see how much grows back.
Glad to hear that she's happy and healing!!!

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