HELP!!!!!! Chickens with LICE

Hi there, Chole!
I have had birds with lice before, and I know of a powder that really helps! My first rule to chickens with lice is to isolate them. It could spread to any other healthy chickens and make them have lice also. It cannot spread on humans. It's not the type of lice that we get. Try diatomaceous earth. It is a white lice powder meant for chickens. You can buy it at your local feed store. Just dust your chicken with it every day. Also, you can dust your coop with it. Seven Dust is also good. Diatomaceous Earth cured my chicken's lice problem, and I still dust out the coop with it today, to prevent any mites in the coop. Hope your chicky-lous get better soon!

Hi I have a bird with lice right now as well. I've killed all the bugs with poultry dust but the eggs are left.i will be retreating. Good thing is the lice are species specific and won't get us. Good luck with your bird.
One of my hens was sick so she got infested with lice. So I gave her a wood ash dust bath and a few days later she was clean. You have to get it under her wings and butt area.
~~Food grade DE (diatomaceous earth). You can find it at most feed stores. It can be sprinkled on their food or in their water for internal parasites and sprinkled on their bedding to help absorb moisture and kill external parasites like fleas and lice. Also helps keep other insects out of the coop.
Hi guys!!
I really need some help, my chickens have got lice, really, really bad!!!! ....if anyone has any ideas to help my chooks that would be Great!!

Here are some facts about DE. Notice that it has never been proven to kill insects and the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) required by the Federal government is ominous regarding its proven harmful effect on humans.

Do as you please and take all the opinions for what they are. Sevin 5% Dust has a long record of safety, a whole lot longer record for safety than DE. Your chickens belong to you, they don't belong to anyone else, so it is your responsibility to treat and medicate your chickens like you would like to be medically treated by your chickens if your chickens were responsible for your health and well being.
Why is that? the seven i use has insecticide made from from flowers called chrysanthemums , it is called pyrethrum, i have used it on all my animals and never had one get sick from it. Marigold are great for keeping bugs out of the garden.

My chickens are loaded with lice too. I was very surprised when I checked them since we have had a harsh winter. I've been spraying them with a pyrethrum spray and it kills them very quickly. I'm still trying to get the egg sacks off the base of the feathers and hoping the spray is penetrating those so I am killing future lice. Some chickens I didn't see any lice on and others were loaded. Have been spraying the coop and nests too. Will have to do a thorough cleaning of the coop once the weather warms up. I have put ivermect on them in the past so maybe I need to start that again. It is always something!
Are you saying you just sprinkle sevin on the ground where they play? Or do you have it hanging in some pantyhose as someone else suggested? Is there an age they should be before using? Mine are about 12 weeks. We don't have any ailments at this point but would like to try to prevent them as well. Any other suggestions on keeping them happy and healthy?
Are you saying you just sprinkle sevin on the ground where they play? Or do you have it hanging in some pantyhose as someone else suggested? Is there an age they should be before using? Mine are about 12 weeks. We don't have any ailments at this point but would like to try to prevent them as well. Any other suggestions on keeping them happy and healthy?

I put the sevin on the ground where they dust. I'll sometimes use a similar product by Bayer. I put it in their nests too. Not globs of it, but dust with it. And I have a spray that I use. Mine are cleared up now. The sprays and dusts don't kill the egg sacs at the base of the feathers so you have to wait a week or two until they hatch out and then spray again. The spray works immediately and is best if you can get a hold of all your chickens. With 57, it is quite a chore.
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I have used the garden grade DE powder with great results, we try to be as chemical free as possible; however, do what you feel is best!

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