HELP! Coccidiosis


In the Brooder
Sep 24, 2023
so my hen has payed bloddy eggs 2 days in a row now and she had blood on her vent yesterday k don’t see any blood in coop or roosting bars i haven’t seen her poop but how do i treat it i live in australia where can i buy corid or something else too treat her and it’s easter weekend i’m not sure if anything is opened please help.
i also bought her at a feed store so i assume she would’ve been vaccinated against these things but i guess not. what do i do is she going too die? she turned on year old 3 weeks ago so she isn’t youngcoukd this just be from a burst blood vessel or a tear due too laying an egg side ways or a big egg ect. please help
Hi, I don't know of the medicated chick starter will help or not. Try not to panic and don't start another thread, just be patient a little bit and somebody will answer you. Sometimes it takes a bit. While you are waiting, tell us how old is this hen, what do you feed including treats, is her comb and wattles pale? Can you feel her crop first thing in the morning before she eats or drinks anything and let is know if it is empty? If not empty, how does it feel, squishy, hard, doughy, lumpy, etc.
Hi, I don't know of the medicated chick starter will help or not. Try not to panic and don't start another thread, just be patient a little bit and somebody will answer you. Sometimes it takes a bit. While you are waiting, tell us how old is this hen, what do you feed including treats, is her comb and wattles pale? Can you feel her crop first thing in the morning before she eats or drinks anything and let is know if it is empty? If not empty, how does it feel, squishy, hard, doughy, lumpy, etc.
she is one year old bright red comb and wattle she is acting normal she gets fed layer pellets and scratch mix 2x a day i will feel her crop tommorow morning and she is the only one laying bloody eggs
Good morning. She has only laid two bloody eggs, right? Can you post a pic of the eggs? Are they just a little streaked with blood? I get an occasional egg like that and then all goes back to normal. I don't know why it happens but it does not seem to indicate anything serious. Is the egg a little larger than normal? I can assure you it is not possible for an egg to come out sideways, so don't worry about that. How was her crop this morning?

I've never had coccidiosis in my flock so I have no advice about that but I will tag a couple of Educators that have more experience than I do and we'll see what advice they may have for you, okay? Did you get another bloody egg today?

@Wyorp Rock
First of all, medicated chick starter does not have enough amprolium in it to treat coccidiosis. You would have to buy a coccidiostat and mix it into the water.

It also helps to be able to recognize the symptoms of coccidiosis so you can rule it out. Chickens coming down with this parasitic affliction will be lethargic, hunched and feathers puffed up. They will probably be pooping diarrhea and have poor appetites. Sometimes, if it's a strain of coccidia that tunnels into the intestines, blood clots may appear in the poop. Your chickens will act sick.

Hens do sometimes incur a broken blood vessel as they lay an egg. This is not usually anything to become alarmed about. If it happens consistently and becomes worse, then you can hit the panic button.

As with all anomalies with chickens and their poop, you should pay attention to their behavior first and foremost. Unless a chicken is behaving differently than usual, is sleepy, hunched, puffed up, eyes droopy, and poop unusual, chances are very good that the chicken is perfectly okay.
How is she acting? Has she just started laying again? A blood smear on an egg can be fairly common. Is she acting lethargic or puffed up? Could anyone have pecked her vent to make it bleed. If you suspect coccidiosis, which is more common in young chickens, get Harkers Coxoid or look for Toltrazuril.
I agree, I would check her vent for any signs of picking or prolapse and lice/mites.

Photos are always helpful, it's hard to gauge how much blood you are seeing on the eggs. Sometimes if it's just a smear, that can happen when a tiny blood vessel breaks during the laying process.

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