Help diagnosing my Roo....

How is his weight? With Marek's the two things that I commonly see is the absence of crowing and very emaciated birds even though they are eating and drinking. Just wanted to reassure you that you need to be looking elsewhere for the cause. If it were Marek's, you would have seen many die in that amount of time. I'm sorry I can't help more. I can just give your suggestions.
He's eating and drinking and crowing. I will look up those things you mentioned and see if I can gleen anything. I have never had a chicken die on me and I have raised them for many years and raised several generations with him so I think if it were Mereks I would have seen some deaths too so maybe you are right and it is not that.
chickenzoo... Thanks for checking in :) The first time this happened I thought he maybe hurt his back. Not from an attack though - I would have known about it as he's in a very safe pen. It's most likely not moldy food, again they all eat the same thing and he's the only one with an issue.
Thanks so much for posting this information. It is what I thought but, without any experience with this disease I didn't want to post and give out incorrect information.
Ee can affect just one bird..just like it can affect one horse in a herd and not others as it is from the infected mosquito . Often they have lost control of their neck and head in ones I've seen.
Have you tried calling someone at Cornell or another state university? Try calling your local government extension agent and find out where your closest state lab is. The poultry expert there may be able to watch your video and give you some suggestions.
I've only seen a few and from what I remember it was head and neck with some bad swelling around the comb and head.unfourntunely Florida is Mosquito illness heaven .
I wish my stupid computer would let me see the video.
I had a Banty roo that got his butt kicked by another. He lost the use of his legs to stand. He could still move them and had feeling, but would lay on his side looking sorry for himself. I started him on vitamins and vit E gel caps. He still ate and drank, just couldn't right himself. I flipped him over a few times a day...moved his legs. It took a few weeks, but one day he just got up and walked off....

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