HELP!!! Did my eggs drown??? Update! Got one!!! Pic page 2!

Yeah, excellent mom! She attacked and scared the pee-doodle out of my killer Siamese cat! Along with the Border Collie and Boston Terrier! She growls and acts like she will peck me when I snoop, but she is all about the babies. Great once they hatch, too. Has stood up to lawnmowers, stray dogs, and my FIL! LOL!

I'm not convinced she is 100% Silkie, but I'm not sure what she'd be mixed with. She is a nappy looking bird with matted feathers, rather than fluffy ones, and some type of bluish/partridge color. But, anti-social, face only a mother could love, outcast that she is, she's ok. I'm hoping she'll stay in the pen when the babies are hatched.

I found my camera, so if I get any babies this weekend, I can post pics!

Why wait? Would love to see a pic of her on her eggs.

I love broodies - currently have two LF Cochins setting - Blondie's clutch is due tomorrow and Slyvia's clutch is due Monday. Blondie is setting on BBS Orpington eggs and Slyvia is setting a mixed clutch.
My lovely ds (10) broke one open on Sunday. Looks like it was about a 15-16 day old embryo. That would put them at about 19-20 days today. So...

Pics as soon as they hatch! The great thing is that they are still viable!

Here's the pic of the first baby! I wondered why all the hens were in the cage with her, or on top of it. I took the baby out and it has blackish green legs, but only 4 toes. I don't think the mom is full blood silkie, and the baby may or may not be hers. There were a mix of eggs. Right now, it looks blue with blue legs. The roos I have are a Barred Rock and an Ameraucana. Nothing from the other egg, yet.


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