
9 Years
Apr 22, 2015
Reinholds, PA
This egg has been zipped like this and no further for several hours and sometimes cries out (the chick) like it's distressed. By looking at this picture I just took of it does he need my help? If so what do i do???
I read another post that was similar and they said to help just taking top off let it push out.
There's an assisted hatching guide here. Read it before doing anything.

I wouldn't panic just yet. If he sounds strong and is moving, I'd just leave him be for now. Struggling means that he's trying to hatch and is upset about it. You can do a lot of harm by opening the egg before it's ready. You can make them bleed to death, for instance. You don't want to open the egg while he's still absorbing the yolk! And if you take the top off too soon, he may push himself out, thus injuring himself.

@Pyxis is a really helpful person if s/he's online.

Good luck.
View attachment 1303322 This egg has been zipped like this and no further for several hours and sometimes cries out (the chick) like it's distressed. By looking at this picture I just took of it does he need my help? If so what do i do???
Yes, I think it might be time to help. Read the guide Sylvie provided.
Thank you all!!! I am up in arms and keep going back and forth. I had decided to do it and got everything ready and when i opened up the incubator i saw he was zipped further then i thoufht so i decided to leave him be. But he is semi qyiet but does try to push just not as vigorously as i have seen others do-yet. But i also see his egg tooth working but not real fast. I just want to do the right thing. This is my first hatch and have 22-year-old. Happy healthy to leave newly hatched that have been hatching since thursday. I'm thrilled to say the least. Aside from this little zipper there are still 11 eggs doing nothing. I want to candle them when zipper is dine. Hatch day was supposed to be sat eve. I'm. Going to go read that article provided to me. Thanks again!!!
I would be tempted to open the air cell on that before just pulling the top off, just in case. Open the air cell, assess how far along absorption is, and if all looks good, finish the zip for the chick.

Unless he is zipped even more under the egg that we can see in this picture. In that case, he's good to go, just pop the cap off.

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