Help! I have a hen with big welts on her head mucus bubbling from eye

ok, I did some research and found that it is recommended to not exceed .25ml so I cleaned out her wound as best I can, irrigated it with some saline, and gave her .125 penicillin in her breast. I also gave her some duramiacin in her water at a rate of 200 ml per gallon.
Duramiacin and penicillin are both anitibiotics. I would not use both at the same time. AFTER the recommended treatment time with the penicillin you will have to give her yogurt to help the good flora (bacteria) in her gut reestablish it's self. Just like in people penicillin kills both good and bad bacteria. The yougurt will help. A teaspoon per day for a week or 2 should be sufficient. My hens won't eat the yogurt plain so I just mix it with Cheerios.

Do you have a picture of what you pulled out of her mouth? Very interesting...............
Your hen has Canker. One 250mg Metronidazole tablet per day orally or disolved in the amount of water she will drink in a day and she should clear up in about 5 to 7 days....
I am looking to treat my hens with the same meds for canker. Do I need to withhold the eggs if I treat the birds? As of last night 5 of my 10 remaining hens have new sores in their mouths. I am trying to figure out what I need to do. We are in CA and I can't find these drugs OTC. I have to order online or pay for a visit to the vet.
With any drug I would wait at least 2 weeks before eating the eggs..Also I would run Acified Copper Sulfate at 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water for three days every month as a preventive, Canker is somewhat of a carrier disease...
I now have another hen with one eye swollen most of the way shut and it looks like a couple more have puffy cheeks. Are you positive it is canker? what is the recommended course of action? I am dosing the entire flock with duramycin at this point.
I have researched canker some. It seems that even if I do get it cleared up that any bird that has it is a carrier for life? Is this true? Does that mean that every new bird I bring in will get it and also become a carrier? should I start culling out birds while I can? Is it too late?
From what I have learned my birds will be carriers. They will need to be treated every month as a preventive measure. I am looking for ways to treat monthly so I don't loose their production.

I am forced with the same dilemma, do they stay or do they go?

Your photo looks like what my girls had. Because they can't swallow, seeds, grass and dirt gets stuck in their mouth and throat. That may cause a secondary infection or sour smell. But I read canker affect the crop and makes a sour smell. When my birds were sick they enjoyed their faces and heads rubbed esp. around the throat and face. One hen stood with her legs apart and I think it worked into her organs. Hind sight is 20/20. The books and references I read say the further the infection, the harder to reverse. You will be successful if you catch it at the onset.

Because the Lacy Wyandotte had a big nodule in her throat that prevented her from eating, I figured it was too far progressed to treat. We put her down to be kind. I have watched 4 starve themselves to near death before I put them down.

I looked onto each mouth last night, changing my gloves with each bird. 5 of my 10 birds have symptoms right now. One of my pullets from this spring has the most masses in her throat of all the birds. There is no guarantee that it will end there. Before this winter is over, my entire flock could have symptoms so far progressed that I can't clear it up with treatment and I will be forced to put them down.

My only saving is a long shot. i can keep them stress free, treat to keep the kritter down. One day all my birds die of old age or I cull them as soon as they stop laying, my flock will turn over and it will be gone. And we will live happily ever after.

For 20 years, I have just watered fed and picked up eggs. Those days are gone. Let me know what you decided and if you find a better plan or method. Other thing I learned, don't just go out and pet them, open their mouths regularly and routinely check them out; clean bird bath water with chemicals or copper sulfate and buy only from clean hatcheries. I will not be afraid to be selective with whom I buy chicks.
yes any bird with canker will shed disease germs daily in the water
and yes it will not be cured but you can get flagryl from foy's pigeon supply on line
and they have good info on canker there also
NO there is no cure for canker but have to feed medication till they die from it

the duramycin will help if it is just a respiratory disease of sorts
but even dosing with duramycin helps very little

I would opt for aureomycin or tylan 50 if you got a active case of respiratory disease

why not go to the search here at BYC and research respiratory diseases
there is much good information here

and research canker onthe foy's pigeon supply site
email me any questions
duramycin even for respiratory disease is a waste of money and time
go with pennicillian and do give it the full time as a partial treatment is wasted effort

tylan 50 is also good

sounds like the birds need some wet mash probiotic with vit E and B complex

any questions email me

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