Help injured girl

If you can, put her in a kennel that you can cover with a towel or blanket so she is in a warm, dark place. If she is in the air conditioning she might be cold with her little naked patch. Keep her quiet and don't over stimulate her. Let that sweet girl heal. So sorry.
I would continue to go outside make a little noise, and shake a feed container to let them know you have food and water for them. They will take to bushes and trees to roost in and hide at night, so being out first thing in the morning to look is good. I hope that you find the missing ones. You will need to keep your pullets up in a secure coop and run, and also let the neighbor know what happened, so they will keep their dog home. Sorry for your loss.
The four girls returned within 2 hours. We figured they were hiding un the large ferns.

With the exception of the injured girl, they’re all back in the run. They seem okay, but after losing one of the two roosters yesterday to a new home and now this, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re unsettled. We let them know right away, and one came in where I work, and apologized and said the dog would be on a leash or on a shock collar. 🤨

Lucy is in our home, and in a dog carrier. And she’s pooped twice, so I figure that
s a good sign. Thank you again for your help!
If you can, put her in a kennel that you can cover with a towel or blanket so she is in a warm, dark place. If she is in the air conditioning she might be cold with her little naked patch. Keep her quiet and don't over stimulate her. Let that sweet girl heal. So sorry.
Thank you for your help! I did pit a towel over the kennel, as you suggested. She’s gone from standing to laying down, and we’re leaving her be.
The four girls returned within 2 hours. We figured they were hiding un the large ferns.

With the exception of the injured girl, they’re all back in the run. They seem okay, but after losing one of the two roosters yesterday to a new home and now this, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re unsettled. We let them know right away, and one came in where I work, and apologized and said the dog would be on a leash or on a shock collar. 🤨

Lucy is in our home, and in a dog carrier. And she’s pooped twice, so I figure that
s a good sign. Thank you again for your help!
:celebrate I'm SO happy to hear that the rest of your girls returned safely!
She won’t drink any electrolytes, she’s in the house and I’ll try the mashed food and cooked eggs. I cleaned it and used scarlet spray but I’m going to change it over to the vetreicyn. She’s pooping and can’t stand to well i believe her leg got injured.
How is your chicken? I had the same thing happen to my Brahma, she hasn't stood since her attack. It's been three weeks.
She won’t drink any electrolytes, she’s in the house and I’ll try the mashed food and cooked eggs. I cleaned it and used scarlet spray but I’m going to change it over to the vetreicyn. She’s pooping and can’t stand to well i believe her leg got injured.
The way to get liquids into a sick (or ANY) chicken is to lay droplets alongside the bird's beak using an eyedropper. They swallow reflexively. I dose new chicks the same way, so I know each one gets electrolytes. More importantly, it sends the meds into the belly, not the lungs - which can accidentally drown a baby or a compromised bird.

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