HELP; muscovy yolk rupture or sticky chick?!

A little (huge!) update! Day 4 after hatching and baby is now eating! Mainly through filtering their water which we have scattered crumbs in (not interested in their little dish of food) but getting that extra niacin in them now 💗 We will let them establish what they're doing and see if we can jiggle around their feeding station tomorrow. Feeling more positive but still anxious about that belly. They are otherwise a typical active duckling.
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Day 5 progress. Eating and getting normal ducky poos now. This is after a clean and a spray of their wound wash so they're a little damp!


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It’s Looking good @Doobly ! Best of luck to the duckling! You’ve been doing a great job with it! It looks a lot livelier today and sounds to be making progress! 💗 :fl
have you got a name for it yet?
It’s Looking good @Doobly ! Best of luck to the duckling! You’ve been doing a great job with it! It looks a lot livelier today and sounds to be making progress! 💗 :fl
have you got a name for it yet?

Thank you so much for following this journey 💗 I had Penelope, Melody and Gordon lined up but with our young boys and the importance I felt it was this baby had a strong bond with a primary caregiver (and the boys being very much mum-orientated with me!) my partner has developed a really unexpected strong bond with them. He likes the name Amber (for her sticky situation) or Kane (he self consciously enjoys WWE and there is a performer who has a red mask like a Scovy!). Looking at the nub now so I wish they could just take a big suck and pull it in! I think once we get past a week I will allow myself to relax a little more but I'm still always thankful to see them in the morning (shouldn't we always be with our birds? I hope you know what I mean!). They're very much independently eating and drinking now and protesting if they're not being cuddled exactly how they want it. Gaining quite a little personality; I wish it didn't feel so bittersweet! I hope your flock is well?
Thank you so much for following this journey 💗 I had Penelope, Melody and Gordon lined up but with our young boys and the importance I felt it was this baby had a strong bond with a primary caregiver (and the boys being very much mum-orientated with me!) my partner has developed a really unexpected strong bond with them. He likes the name Amber (for her sticky situation) or Kane (he self consciously enjoys WWE and there is a performer who has a red mask like a Scovy!). Looking at the nub now so I wish they could just take a big suck and pull it in! I think once we get past a week I will allow myself to relax a little more but I'm still always thankful to see them in the morning (shouldn't we always be with our birds? I hope you know what I mean!). They're very much independently eating and drinking now and protesting if they're not being cuddled exactly how they want it. Gaining quite a little personality; I wish it didn't feel so bittersweet! I hope your flock is well?
Sorry I couldn’t respond yesterday I was at the farm with a bad signal. I’m very glad to be following the little duckling’s journey and hope it continues to improve. Those are great name choices! I know how you feel because I’ve had ducklings that haven’t done well and it just breaks my heart! I definitely know what you mean it’s just a blessing to see them lively in the mornings. They all have their own special personalities don’t they! My flock is well, thanks for asking! I have seven call ducks, four guineas, and two pekin ducks! They’re all doing great and they’re growing so fast! I have two little call ducklings and I swear they get bigger every day! I really do hope the little duckling lives o be a big healthy duck!
Day 7. Updating dutifully because I believe the nub is healing well and this might serve someone else with a similar issue. So the nub seems to be doing well but the continued click in the breathing appears to be getting worse. It was this click that made me first open the egg when it had been internally pipped 48 hours as I believed it had been the baby attempting to pip. I could still hear it through the safety hole and once the egg was opened. Baby had continued to gently click but it appeared breathing had become more laboured last night. If I put baby to my ear I can hear crunching/crackling so I'm assuming it has a respiratory infection or aspirated some of the yellow fluid in the egg before hatching. It seems more lethargic today and has eaten but isn't as steady on their feet.


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I'm looking at that photo now and thinking it does look red and swollen. Apparently baby is leaking yellow stuff. My partner is cuddling him (his primary caregiver) so it's just a wait now I think. Absolutely devastated. Mortality I've read for this seems to peak at 5-7 days. At day 7 it makes sense.
Baby is breathing more laboured. Unfortunately I'm at work but my partner thinks they're coming to their close 😭
Aww. I’m so very sorry. It seemed to be improving... you’ve done so much for that little duckling and done your very best. I really do feel it wouldn’t have lived this long without you help. Sometimes they just fail to thrive. It’s not at all your fault, you’ve done so good! Best of luck with your flock. Well wishes and support to your flock as well. If you ever want to talk about anything pm me I’ll be here.
Edited because I wanted to add that you’ve given that little duckling a great life! Be content in the fact that you gave it lots of love and took very good care of it.
Baby passed away last night. We have just buried them with their fluffy snuggle sock. Their breathing became so laboured my partner wanted to help them and he couldn't have been more attached. The navel started to leak and stick to their bedding (I attach a picture purely for educational reasons but I'm quite sad how many of our photos of them are just belly shots, it's not the most fitting online tribute. I will try and unfollow this post but will leave it up as reference for others. If anyone wants to contact me about this journey please feel free to message). If I could go back in time I'd make sure that baby didn't kick out when it did and would have wrapped it in a wet face cloth and put it back into the incubator. My partner more than earned the naming rights, so their name was Kane. He had them snuggled on his shoulder with their beak in his ear. He made two soft peeps and then he heard his heart stop. We will also get hold of some iodene for the future.


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