HELP! My 8wk Saxony barely keeping her L eye open and has a hoarse voice (new vid )

Why thank you! I love the names of your saxony! Too cute. I too am very attached to my girls ( and Donald) and as soon as I notice something might be off, I then go into my analytical “mode” and immediately go into : First, identify the issue, 2nd look up any possible causes or explanation, 3rd and most importantly ( I’ve found) Connect with Backyard chickens!!! Lol!
This is all new to me so when I run across issues or have questions it’s been so wonderful to have so many willing people to help. Hopefully once I’ve been doing this long enough I can help newbies like me!:woot
Oh my will love it here...I’m addicted to the site...there is sooo much good help! And yes, quickly you’ll know soo much you’ll easily pay it forward! Welcome to BYC and I hope to see more pictures soon..and definitely here more from you under better circumstances..and all about your Saxony...we can trade stories!:)
If she’s been with the flock anyway no reason to separate. Is a vet an option? Respiratory infections don’t just go away they need antibiotics if that is what’s wrong. If it’s cold where you are and you bring your duck in for a warm bath then take her back outside you risk her chilling. If your going to bring her inside best keep her inside.
Here’s a video of the hoarse voice I’m talking about. Finally figured out how to put up there so I could share here.
Why thank you! I love the names of your saxony! Too cute. I too am very attached to my girls ( and Donald) and as soon as I notice something might be off, I then go into my analytical “mode” and immediately go into : First, identify the issue, 2nd look up any possible causes or explanation, 3rd and most importantly ( I’ve found) Connect with Backyard chickens!!! Lol!
This is all new to me so when I run across issues or have questions it’s been so wonderful to have so many willing people to help. Hopefully once I’ve been doing this long enough I can help newbies like me!:woot
You will find this group extremely helpful. You you right to act as soon as you noticed she’d taken ill.

I also keep Saxony ducks and reached out to the group for help when 1 of only 2 Saxony ducks that hatched this year suddenly took ill. Sadly by the time I was able to get her driven to an Avian Vet shed already gone septic.
I’ve found my Saxony ducks tend to be more susceptible to respiratory infections and the extreme heat conditions we experience in Florida. I still love them most of all and hope our 4-H program will have better results with bringing some new bloodlines into the incubation program this year.
Can you separate her and get a video of just her? I am having a hard time hearing her.
Yeah I know it’s tough to hear but when she’s putting her face in the camera there’s some of her little raspy sounds. That was the best video I could catch all day bc my EXTREMELY loud daisy doodle is usually wherever I am and she makes it really hard to catch strudels voice with my lovely shadow behind me. Even with the volume all the way up it still isn’t capturing the sound? Shoot!
I will try having my bf hold her so we can move away from the group and hopefully she’ll talk then and I’ll try to upload that one too. I really appreciate your help!
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