Help! New neighbor suddenly hates chickens!

Thanks. And yes, she even would come onto my property to feed them and I had to correct her on that. She would just leave food and attracted a racoon that killed two chickens and hurt two more. This was why I have trouble getting them back to the chicken coop and haven't been able to get them back in fenced area. They started roosting in the tree above the coop and I couldn't reach them to get them back in coop. I do have a fence, but the chickens have found ways around it. I am guessing that was how the raccoon got in and killed the chickens.
If you are desperate to get them back in the coop, I’ve had some luck convincing mine to get out of the trees with a hose. A little spray in the hind end is better than getting your head chewed off!
Unfortunately I haven't been able to install an outdoor hydrent or water outlet thing yet to connect a hose too. Also, the tree perching may have been the only way to save the chickens so far from predators.
Understood. If your coop isn’t secure, giving them to neighbors might be the wise thing for now. Maybe they can share eggs with you until you can get set up. Might keep an eye on Craigslist’s free section for fencing and other items to help get things reinforced. Good luck!
I will try that. Unfortunately I spent all my extra savings just to get the orange fencing. I am a substitute teacher in Arkansas, us so I won't be getting a paycheck for another month.
Fortunately for us we have a saw mill down the road that we can purchase a whole trailer and truck load of slabs for $40 and they have a pile of "free" stuff that you can take as you want. But another person had a great suggestion to check Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. Good luck.
Thanks. I am not sure if there is a lumber mill near me. I will try Craigslist again. Also, has anyone tried to do a shed conversion. There seems to be a bunch of sheds for sale near me for this prebuilt sheds/ small building and they seem to be the same as Craigslist but newer for the same price. Would something like this work and what would I need to do other then put roosts, food, water, nest boxes in it. As in, how will I keep it closed, just a padlock or install some sort of doorknob that I can lock? Anything else I might not be thinking of that I can do myself?
what would I need to do other then put roosts, food, water, nest boxes in it. As in, how will I keep it closed, just a padlock or install some sort of doorknob that I can lock? Anything else I might not be thinking of that I can do myself?

Yes, roosts, food, water, nestboxes.
Also ventilation and light.
--If it has windows, that might take care of the light.
--open windows, covered with hardware cloth, are the obvious choice for ventilation.
--depending on the material the shed is made from, you may be able to cut big holes and put hardware cloth over them too, if you need more ventilation than the shed windows can provide.

Most sheds already have a doorknob and lock, or a way to padlock it.
The designers assume people will store things like tools, and will want to lock them up for fear of thieves. But it will work equally well to protect chickens.

Check what kind of floor it comes with--many sheds come with no floor at all. You may not need a floor, but you probably want to KNOW whether it has a floor when you buy it!

Be aware that sheds can get hot inside. Put it in the shade if you can, and be sure there is plenty of ventilation.

You'll need some kind of bedding, but I assume you already know that :)
I am thinking of getting one of the wood ones with floor and it even has a loft, so maybe build a way up there for chickens. Since it's woo, do I need to use cinder blocks or brick put down before having shed brought to avoid rot or termite damage? I was planning on getting one with at least one window. Since I live in Arkansas, it humid and hot. I already have a chicken that is indoors from possible heat problems( that's another post I have). I know the metal sheds get even hotter then the wood ones, so I planned to use wood to help with it. Also I was hoping to used the bottom half of the window ( or get one with two windows) that I can put an ac window unit in. Yes, I am probably pampering my chickens. But I would rather pamper then have them get heat stroke in the middle of summer. And they unfortunately understand ac being indoors. I sorta accidentally left my front door open when carrying in groceries with both hands full, and they came running into house and sat on the floor vents to cool down.

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