Help not sure if It's mites or cannibalism?( added Pictures)


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 18, 2011
Ok so I have 11 chickens 6 barred rocks 2 rhode island reds and 3 new hamshire reds. 2 of my chickens on rhode island red and one barred rock that have los all feathers on there bottoms and have 2 scabbie looking thinks. the red has lost weight but I see her getting pecked alot. also when i let them free range on my yard those two tend to find dirt and really roll around in it. There poops are still ok and no note of diahrea. I can't see any crawlers when i'm cleaning the coop but how small are mites? is this a pecking issue? we had a hard winter. Also some of my chickens have bald spots around neck but lloks like new feathers are comming in is this molting? This is my first year with my backyard chickens any advice would be great!
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Hi and
if itis lice, you will seea build up of white stuff accumulated at the base of the feathers at the butt area. If it is lice, I believe they are tiny little red thing, but I have never dealt with them so I cant be sure. You could do a search to look for them. If it is feather picking, then they need more protein in their diet. Usually chickens will moult in the fall, so I doubt it is that. Now, if there is redness and blood, chickens are attracted to that and will peck at it. There is some stuff called blukote that you can put ont he bare red patches so they don't pick at each other. So, go take a look, and report back
Hello, had926. What you describe around your chickens' neck area certainly sounds like molting (new feathers coming in), but you also describe signs that might indicate lice or mites (loss of weight and scabs). Sounds like you have some pecking issues as well. I would first check for both lice and mites - here is a link to a great site that will help you know what to look for, where to look, and how to treat if you find parasites. Check all of your chickens, not just the ones with the symptoms. Keep us posted, and good luck to you.
So I don't see any white build up at the base of feathers. I also am going to post pictures as soon as I charge my batteries up. What do mites look like if i turn over the coop will i be able to see them? I know there gray or red I don't see anything around there food or water. Thanks for all the help!
THis is my barred rock every time she's out she scratches the grass to get to cool dirt then lays in it is this because of her bottom? You can see the small cut on her.
this is the neck of another chicken I do see new feathers comming in. We had a really hard winter Here in NH and finally it's getting warm again. Her bottom is not red at all.
this is my rhode island red can't get great picture because she always runs

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