HELP-now her vent is bright red!! one chick small and pasting

l'abeille :

I just went to clean her bum and put on the vaseline to help keep her clean. Now her little vent is bright red like a cherry and seems swollen. I did put the vaseline on and that has hidden the red part, plus I have a red brooder bulb, so for now she hopefully won't get pecked. She is still seeming stronger than before, eating and drinking, but has sleepy looking eyes and the size difference between her and her hatchmantes is growing. What could be wrong with her? Should I put her in my bra?

Vasoline seems to bring the blood to surface, I noticed the same thing when i put it on my Faverolle roos comb after he wont get out of the freezing wind and got frostbite. Dumby just stood all day in front of the entrance to his covered hoop house like he was guarding it, anyways it made it exremely red.​
This morning she still seems okay, but her vent is still red and protruding. Her poop is no longer foamy, but she was all pasted up again. I just held her under running water until it fell away on it's own and trimmed the fluff and put neosporin. I'm going to give her some scrambled eggs after she has a nap under the heat lamp.
I had a little failure to thrive chick that was clearly getting jostled away from the food. I thought she was looking weaker and weaker, despite my best efforts to make sure she ate. I held her and dripped a few single drops of poly-vi-sol without iron onto the side of her beak, so she could drink it slowly, and she perked up within a day. She is a great little layer, now.
I got chicks last Wednesday, and several of them had foamy poo, also. I watched, and waited, and their poo seems normal at this point, so it may have been the stress of transitioning to a new place, IDK. One had pasty butt, but I cleaned her up well---lots of soaking, by the time I really noticed it was continuing to accumulate, and so far it has not recurred.
I read a post somewhere here, that said adding one tablespoon of baking soda per gallon of water, along with vitamin and electrolyte mix for the first week would cure pastiness, but have not tried that myself. Good luck with your birds.
I don't think it is cocci--no other symptoms and she keeps getting perkier. I think trimming her feathers has really helped her butt stay clean and after I isolated her for the day she wen back with the others and they have not been pecking at her, so I'm hopeful that she'll be okay. She has a very determined personality--chasing the bigger chicks around and trying to get their food, etc. Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions.

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