Help please, Bloody stools, sudden death 9 week old chicken

Changes to Canadian regulations on veterinary medications have made me unable to purchase Corid, I’m not sure about Sulmet, I haven’t heard of that one. I don’t know if I order it if I can get it. My legbands (ordered from the USA) were opened by customs! I will take all info to town on Thursday and look for meds. That is the soonest I can get to town.
People use Amprol in Canada, so try to find that. You can also use any sulfa antibiotics or Baycox.
My feed store isn’t licensed for any pesticides or medications... the one that is, is Buckerfields, they are obnoxious... I will look at what they have but it’s mostly horse dewormers, if they can still sell them. This summer, (before the new regs) I went for a dusting powder for flies and sheep keds, they pretended they didn’t have it, I argued for 20 minutes with a surly teenager, they finally sold it to me, but asked condescendingly if we were a “real” farm, and as thought the paperwork was a hassle and they didn’t believe me.

I have our PID # (proves we are a farm), but let’s just say buckerfields ia an unpleasant place to shop. I have 10 years in retail management at Wholefoods, I know bad service well. I will check the petsmart when I go in. We are still working out what we will do for lambing season this year under the new regs... the closest large animal vet is in the middle of Vancouver island.
People use Amprol in Canada, so try to find that. You can also use any sulfa antibiotics or Baycox.
I Will look for it,

Might also try sweet talking my cats veterinarian into prescribing me something, heaven knows I’m spending enough on them to deserve consideration!

Any human meds effective? Those are easier to come by here right now!
Would buying medicated starter feed be at all helpful at this point?
Most medicated starter feeds contain amprolium, a coccidiostat.
They probably need full strength Corrid, but any amount of amprolium will be better than none till you can get some. I hope your flock gets better sooner, seems things haven't been going so well lately. Good luck!
I’ve been looking on the internet for comparables to corid. Even homeopathic. Wish I was more familiar with Canada. You might be on to something by asking your cat’s veterinarian. I’d follow any advice they would give. Hopefully they’ll give you guidance on what you could buy.
I’ve been looking on the internet for comparables to corid. Even homeopathic. Wish I was more familiar with Canada. You might be on to something by asking your cat’s veterinarian. I’d follow any advice they would give. Hopefully they’ll give you guidance on what you could buy.
I agree with hitting the small animal vet up. My dog's vet once sold me some suture kits for a prolapsed goat!
I will also check out the fish med section at the pet store... just need to know what I’m looking for and then get the dosages figured... next time I get an antibiotic prescribed to me I’m going to hoard it for my animals... I’ll see what I can find.

Really they looked healthy and happy, and I’m shocked one on the 9 week olds died... I was concerned about the younger chicks, the stools only seem to get bloody when my mother forgets their water in the morning, and I come down between 10 and 2 and find it completely fouled.
Most medicated starter feeds contain amprolium, a coccidiostat.
They probably need full strength Corrid, but any amount of amprolium will be better than none till you can get some. I hope your flock gets better sooner, seems things haven't been going so well lately. Good luck!
it will get better... I have them (at least the 9week olds) where I can get their morning set up feed wise before I do the cows, and I will keep building tractors to get the other chickens moved out here as well.

I will admit... I got my hatching eggs before I had the proper infrastructure to support them, I know I don’t know enough about poultry, and I shouldn’t have impulse purchased the next batch of chicks.

Going to get things set up properly though, and part of that is I need to prove my systems work on my own before I can remove the adult layers from their never see the light of day, 15 chickens in a 5x8 box situation. It was fine when they could daytime free range maybe, but now they are in total confinement.

Little changes... but my pretty girl suddenly dropping was a shot to the gut. I failed them. Working on the tractor which I should’ve had done earlier rather than spending time on them, trusting their care to just my mother for the last week... it’s all on me. I will resolve to do better.

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