Jun 10, 2017
Hi all, we found our beautiful cream leg bar hybrid bleeding from her vent.
It looks as though it's badly torn at the top. Our chicken breeder thinks she's bleeding internally due to maybe a broken egg and the shell having cut her, but I think it looks as though the top part of her vent is split in two:( we do not have a coquerel.
We've separated her from the others now, and I've bathed her wound in warm salty water - she was soooo relaxed she actually closer her eyes after a while.
She's still eating really well when we handfeeding her, but didn't actually leave the egg layIng area at all today, not sure if this is to escape the chickens that were chasing her, or because she's feeling the need to expell.
Is there anything else I can do?? If there is a broken egg, can I do anything to help her expel it without it hurting her more??
What can I do to help her heal?
Sorry for the graphic picture, I was hoping someone may have an idea of what caused it & what I should do. She's a bit bare on her belly, think she may be malting.
Thank you.


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Hi all, we found our beautiful cream leg bar hybrid bleeding from her vent.
It looks as though it's badly torn at the top. Our chicken breeder thinks she's bleeding internally due to maybe a broken egg and the shell having cut her, but I think it looks as though the top part of her vent is split in two:( we do not have a coquerel.
We've separated her from the others now, and I've bathed her wound in warm salty water - she was soooo relaxed she actually closer her eyes after a while.
She's still eating really well when we handfeeding her, but didn't actually leave the egg layIng area at all today, not sure if this is to escape the chickens that were chasing her, or because she's feeling the need to expell.
Is there anything else I can do?? If there is a broken egg, can I do anything to help her expel it without it hurting her more??
What can I do to help her heal?
Sorry for the graphic picture, I was hoping someone may have an idea of what caused it & what I should do. She's a bit bare on her belly, think she may be malting.
Thank you.

Hi @Sunshinechickenlady :frow Welcome To BYC

Thanks for the photos - they are helpful:)

How is your hen today?

This is just a guess - but I suspect she had a prolapsed vent and the damage is from pecking.

It can sometimes be hard to get a vent pecking wound to heal and she may have some difficulty laying an egg, depending on how much damage was done.

Soaking in epsom salts is soothing and can help with some of the inflammation. Apply Vetericyn or triple antibiotic ointment to the wound. If you haven't done so, keep her separated. Offer poultry vitamins and extra protein like egg or tuna.

Infection is a concern, so if you have a vet that can see her or prescribe some antibiotics that would be best.

Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the responses. She seems OK in herself & is eating and moving around fine.
We've tried to delay her laying another egg by keeping her in the darkened coop for a bit longer than normal, but she still laid a big() egg. There was some blood on it, but not much. Her wound looks less bad than yesterday, but still bad & I still think it's a torn vent:(
We've just given her another warm salt bath & cleaned her? I've taken some fresh pics , as it looks a bit clearer now. This is after the bath, which is why it looks a bit yellowy & horrible - it doesn't look that bad when it's dry.
Will contact the vet tomorrow.


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Hi @Sunshinechickenlady :frow Welcome To BYC

Thanks for the photos - they are helpful:)

How is your hen today?

This is just a guess - but I suspect she had a prolapsed vent and the damage is from pecking.

It can sometimes be hard to get a vent pecking wound to heal and she may have some difficulty laying an egg, depending on how much damage was done.

Soaking in epsom salts is soothing and can help with some of the inflammation. Apply Vetericyn or triple antibiotic ointment to the wound. If you haven't done so, keep her separated. Offer poultry vitamins and extra protein like egg or tuna.

Infection is a concern, so if you have a vet that can see her or prescribe some antibiotics that would be best.

Let us know how it goes.

Thanks for your response!
I've had a look but can't see a prolapse? You are right tho that the other chickens could have caused some of the damage as they were all over her backside:(
I've just uploaded another picture from just now. She's just had a salty bath soak, so it looks a bit icky. It was dry and OK (as in not infected) looking pre bath.
I think its a pecking wound to. If she pulls through...you should keep her separated until the wound is gone and her feathers are back. Chickens will peck another chicken to death pecking at a wound.

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