Help sick hen

Getting her poo tested at the vet is you best bet.
She could have cocci or worms.
Yes, you can check if she's egg bound, but if not I wouldn't wait for a test with cocci: speedy treatment is important. Since you have the corid, treat her. It has been wet and warm here, so cocci is definitely a possibility. If she doesn't respond well within a couple of days it's time to search for a different problem - unless of course she has a swollen abdomen, then you can try antibiotics but long term prognosis is bad. :eek:(
My golden laced polish gen has clear/ green/ white watery diarrhea. ( I'm keeping her back end clean but it's a mess) she's depressed with droopy wings and not moving much, hasn't payed an egg all week ( normally produces 3 per week) and her appetite is decreased. I know very little about chickens as I've only had them 2 months any advice is appreciated.
In my signature is an emergency/supportive care thread that you should read.
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