Help! What is this?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 5, 2007
I got this bird from my dad who got it from someone who has chickens. He had several of these guys to but they got picked off by a hawk. All my dad knew was it is a quail of some sort. Does anyone know what type it may be and if it could be a female or male. It is all red. No white feathering at all. Thanks!
It looks like a Japanese Quail.
It does look very similar! Thanks for the input. I thought it looked like the pictures I found of the Tennessee Red Quails.
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It looks just like two I was given that were ID'ed on here as tibetan coturnix. The do look a bit similar to the Tennessee Red quail which was why I asked too. The beak definitely makes a difference.
A better photo that includes the front of the quail (face and breast) would help better identify which type of quail that you have in your hand.
thats a red quail, as far as visibly sexing them goes, the only way i know is to have them in a group, after a while the males will start gettin bald heads due to the females riding them, for "attention"
thats a red quail, as far as visibly sexing them goes, the only way i know is to have them in a group, after a while the males will start gettin bald heads due to the females riding them, for "attention"
i think they were asking what type of quail it is and you got it backwards the females will have the bald spots.

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