Help with sick chickhen! With video


Sep 9, 2020
My hen has been to the vet because of sour crop. She is retching a lot these days, and there has been some vomiting.
She has been taking this medicine for 13 days, Itrafungol. She is done taking the medicine now. The crop is feeling better, but she is still doing this strange head/neck-movements.

Do any of you have experience with this? Watch the video of her that i uploaded to youtube:

Wow I have no idea. I will tag the experts so they can help you! One question, why is it red in there? Do you have a heat lamp? They don't need it. They are fully feathered and fully capable to keeping them selves warm. I fhtey get supplemental heat, they won't adapt to the cold to were they can keep themselves warm any more. Then, weather gets really cold and bad one night, power goes out, lamp turns off and you loose your whole flock. @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @Overo Mare @azygous
Thank you! 😊

Thank you for your concern. I live in Norway and it can get very cold here in winters, often -10°C to -15°C and a lot of strong winds. I have been using this heat lamp in the coldest nights because their comb and feet can freeze if it get’s too cold? I also use it to stop the water from freezing to ice 😊🤔 Should I stop using it?
They still don't need it. They really don't even start feel gin to cold until the coop temp falls to -20 degrees. You are just endangering them more. Plus, they have each other cuddle with. If the power goes out on though's cold nights, you will loose your flock. Ween them off the light. You an make hats for the chickens with large combs too so they don't get frost bite! There feet are probably fine, but I will find the thread about the hats! It is very nice of you think about that for them though! You obviously really care abbot them! You can use heating plates to keep water from freezing as well, or heated dog dishes.
Wow I have no idea. I will tag the experts so they can help you! One question, why is it red in there? Do you have a heat lamp? They don't need it. They are fully feathered and fully capable to keeping them selves warm. I fhtey get supplemental heat, they won't adapt to the cold to were they can keep themselves warm any more. Then, weather gets really cold and bad one night, power goes out, lamp turns off and you loose your whole flock. @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @Overo Mare @azygous

Thank you! 😊

Thank you for your concern. I live in Norway and it can get very cold here in winters, often -10°C to -15°C and a lot of strong winds. I have been using this heat lamp in the coldest nights because their comb and feet can freeze if it get’s too cold? I also use it to stop the water from freezing to ice 😊🤔 Should I stop using it?
Here the thread! You can buy them chicken booties of your re really worried abbot there feet, but if you can put straw or hay down in there coop and run, it will help keep them very warm, and protect there feet from the snow and ice.

These are the amazon booties, I think there are other options maybe with a better price on there website.
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