
Also, stop giving scratch to your duck. The only purpose of scratch is to save money. It also shouldn't be given without grit.
Ok. I have chickens as well. That’s why I give them that. Tell me exactly what to feed my chickens if you don’t mind. We don’t raise our chickens or our duck to eat them. They are our pets and I need to know what to feed them. Thanks for your honesty.
I could be wrong (defer to isaac on this one) but 8 months feels a bit old to only *just now* and very suddenly be showing signs of a niacin deficiency, and that first sign to be a complete lack of walking?

If you dont have them on appropriate feed (which it sounds like you dont) then absolutely DO take care of that issue pronto, but it also sounds like something else might be the root of the not walking and not eating problem that just popped up? It's been the better part of a year already, has she been struggling to walk the whole time or was she alright up until just recently and suddenly decided to stop? What breed is she?
I found the injectable vitamin b complex. What size needle?

I would suggest that you give it orally, but if you want to go IM, or SQ, get a 22 gauge needle.

I could be wrong (defer to isaac on this one) but 8 months feels a bit old to only *just now* and very suddenly be showing signs of a niacin deficiency, and that first sign to be a complete lack of walking?

If you dont have them on appropriate feed (which it sounds like you dont) then absolutely DO take care of that issue pronto, but it also sounds like something else might be the root of the not walking and not eating problem that just popped up? It's been the better part of a year already, has she been struggling to walk the whole time or was she alright up until just recently and suddenly decided to stop? What breed is she?

You're right, it'd be very unlikely that a bird that age would suddenly develop a nutritional issue unless there was a dramatic change in his/her diet.

A few of my questions have not been answered yet, I'm unsure how longs he's had it, or what the OP means by "lame".

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