hen being pecked to death


10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
I have a 2 year old red sex link hen. She is losing her feathers more everyday because the other birds are pecking her to death. She has lost half of them. She has lived with these birds her whole life. Could it be that she is sick and they are trying to rid her?
Once birds start picking they usually don't stop. Put the hen by herself until she grows her feathers back. keep a thick coating of vaseline over the bald area. that's a good start... good luck
I have only had the bully scenario to deal with (isolation of the bully worked) but have wondered the same if I would see this. I have searched in the past and not seen that answered, although it may have been.

There is a product mentioned on another thread just this week, which I forget, that some have used on pecked birds that emits an odor that others don't want to be around and has stopped the action. Hopefully, you'll get the answers. But if it is a matter of preservation of the bird, I would not hesitate to separate for a bit to help her recover. Than add a buddy to be with her for awhile before reintroducing her back. Others might well have better suggestions.
If they are eating the feathers, a protein deficiency might be causing that behavior. It would not hurt to up their protein--cut out all corn scratch and high carbohydrate treats, give them high protein treats like small amounts cat food, low-salt fish, sunflower seeds, scrambled egg, meal worms, etc...Do they have plenty of room and stuff to do to keep busy when the weather is not good ?(often happens when they are cooped up for a day or two). Get some Blue kote at your feed store, and spray the pecked areas, that should help a lot. You might want to separate her out if she is in bad shape, especially if there is any blood. If you are using any lights for laying, turn them off.
If there is blood, the pecking probably won't stop. One drop seems to attract them and then that's it....
I would agree with chookchick that dietary intake may need some tweaking. I recently discovered "milk plus" I think by Nutrena. It's like calf manna and is a good, high protein supplement for many different animals. I've used it to put weight on alpacas, and am just now trying some on my birds.
poor li'l hen...

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