Hen Bullying


In the Brooder
May 13, 2023
Im a first time chicken mom, so I have zero experience with bullying. My number one hen is severely picking on number two. This morning, she really beat up #2 and her comb and side above her ear was very bloody. I have treated her, that’s no problem. From what I’ve read, it’s better to separate off the one that’s getting picked on rather than the bully. Is that the general consensus here? That’s what I planned to do. My main question is about free ranging. I usually let them out in the morning for a couple of hours and in the mid afternoon but only while I can be out too. Do I let my injured #2 out with everyone else or keep them so separated that they have different times out? I just didn’t want to spend the whole day chicken sitting. Also, about how long to keep them separated? Just until healed or more? I’m surprised because they have really been so peaceful until the last week.

Thanks in advance.
Are these two the sum of your flock? It's unusual that bullying is a problem when there are only two chickens. But if they have a very small coop with inadequate space, then there can be conflict. Same in the run space. If the chickens do not have a minimum of ten square feet of run space, there is no room to maneuver.

I am one of the original proponents of the theory that the victim needs the attention much more than the bully. Here is my article on the subject describing how to treat the victim to be able to stand up to the bully. https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/chicken-bully-chicken-victim-a-two-sided-issue.73923/ But you do need to consider that part of your problem may be the need for more space.
Sorry, no there are four hens and one rooster. They have ample space in the run and coop. The attack happened outside while they were foraging. The rooster wasn’t nearby when it happened but he ran to the incident and seemed to try to put the head hen in check.

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