Hen healer ointment do I seperate or put back with flock?


Apr 26, 2023
My EE had some feather pulled and now has a scab on her back. I cleaned it and applied Hen Gealer Ointment, can she be put back with the flock or should I separate her.
How badly was she injured? Generally the sooner birds can be returned to the flock the less pecking order problems there are; however, it will be necessary to monitor to assure birds are not pecking at the wound.
My hens are 9 weeks this week. The spot looked red a week ago, but with the dust bath now it look like a scab and not red, but I noticed one of the other hens peck at it today so i put the hen healer on the spot. Well...I put her back with the others and being that it's night they all went on the roost bars for the night. But tomorrow I will definitely keep an eye on her to see how it goes.

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