Hen laying one egg a week

Kathy Golla

Jan 2, 2017
San Francisco Bay Area
Hi everyone,
I have a small flock of six 7 month old hens. All of them are laying, five of the hens are laying average 4-5 eggs a week each. The sixth hen is a Black Australorp. She laid later than the other hens by about a month and has never laid more than 2 eggs a week! When she does lay eggs they seem to be fine in quality. I can tell which egg is hers in that it is brown speckled.
She is as right as rain, no soft shelled eggs, no soft or hard belly, no squatting in the pen. I have been watching and I dont think she is eating her eggs as when she does lay she lays in a nest box and I figure I would see something, yellow yolk on the nesting material or other eggs covered in yolk.
I feel bad as she is kind of obsessed with the nest boxes in the coop. She spends a lot of the day going in and out of the coop monitoring things. She doesnt seem to have one nest box she covets that she wants to lay in. I have six hens and four nest boxes and the hens use all of them. She doesnt do anything like lay on others' eggs or I dont think she's eating others' eggs as I get 5 eggs consistently a day.
Any thoughts? Will her laying pick up? Will she always lay 2 eggs a week? Thanks so much.
She seems like a bit of a naturally anxious hen. She isnt on the bottom of the pecking order and no one seems to be bullying her. She is kind of a skinnier hen, but no one is keeping her away from food and i have two feeders and two waterers. We have had a couple of unnatural heat waves but she seems much more heat tolerant than some of my other hens.

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