Hen very lethargic, pale droopy comb, etc.


Oct 13, 2018
Hi all, trying to get some insight on what to do from here. We have a hen who is about 2 1/2 years old and has always been super sweet and gets along with all her coop-mates. About a week ago she stopped roosting and was sleeping on the ground which caused us to examine her. We found two old injuries that were scabbed over and fleas, which we treated and then separated her from the rest of the flock. No one else in the flock had fleas but we treated just in case. We determined she may have a leg injury because she would limp when she walked, but now, she doesn't move at all and just lays down all day. She eats and drinks (we put everything right next to her), poo isn't solid, and her comb is slowly going pale and droopy.

How should I proceed from here? Eyes look normal and her wings flap like crazy when I pick her up, so I ruled out Mareks. Any thoughts or treatment you would prescribe? Thanks!
Start by taking her indoors out of the heat. She may be anemic from the fleas but I would take a stool sample to a vet to check for intestinal parasites. Try some nutridrench for some extra energy and vitamins. If you happen to have any Corid or dewormer give a dose after collecting a good stool sample.

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