Hen with poopy but

I'm not sure when she last laid an egg. I don't think that there is any abdominal bloating or fluid. What's the dosage in milligrams for the suppository? I think different suppositories have different dosages.
Check her crop first thing in the morning and let us know if it's emptied.
I haven't dewormed her, but I gave her the monistat, and I brought her inside.
Here is a new picture:
If it was internal laying it'd feel like a water balloon. You know how I mean. And she'd be walking like a penguin.
Do your birds get a lot of treats?
It feels kind of soft, but it doesn't feel liquidy.
Could be she's a little fatty. Not all reproductive disorders have swelling or fluid, first indication may be that they are acting off/not feeling too well.

I would re-check that crop first thing, if it's empty, that would be good. If it isn't, then try to decide if it's sour, doughy, etc. If sour, then start your monistat.

If possible, get a fecal float to rule out worms too.

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