Hen with swollen legs after death of another in flock

Ohio has a policy that one can bring or ship the chicken’s body to the poultry pathology department, but they have to give the written necropsy results to a vet in your area. Then your vet will give you results. That is probably so your local vet can explain the findings, but who knows what the extra cost is. The necropsy itself in OH is just $23 for a backyard chicken, so more affordable than I thought. I am just posting this for interest, even though the OP is in another state (NY.) Cornell is one of the leading centers for veterinary diseases, so it would be great to get testing or a necropsy there if possible.
Hi everyone. Here's an update on my hens with swollen/deformed legs. After leg x-rays showed no signs of bone deformation (which the vet fully expected) I quarantined them for about a week, then I put them back with the others. That was at least a month ago (maybe 6 weeks) and so far no other hens have any signs of leg problems. The vets are at a loss, and they think it's still possible it's the viral cancer and my girls will go downhill at some point. However, they still show no signs of being uncomfortable, they jump off the roosting pole and saw horses like all the others.
The vet at Briar Patch said there were more tests we could do, but I felt they had been through enough and the added stress wasn't helping them.
I still don't have an answer to this. I'm going to wait and keep watching them.
Thanks to everyone for your support and suggestions through a really tough time.
Hi everyone. Here's an update on my hens with swollen/deformed legs. After leg x-rays showed no signs of bone deformation (which the vet fully expected) I quarantined them for about a week, then I put them back with the others. That was at least a month ago (maybe 6 weeks) and so far no other hens have any signs of leg problems. The vets are at a loss, and they think it's still possible it's the viral cancer and my girls will go downhill at some point. However, they still show no signs of being uncomfortable, they jump off the roosting pole and saw horses like all the others.
The vet at Briar Patch said there were more tests we could do, but I felt they had been through enough and the added stress wasn't helping them.
I still don't have an answer to this. I'm going to wait and keep watching them.
Thanks to everyone for your support and suggestions through a really tough time.
How much did all of this cost you?!! And still with no answers too.:eek:
Hens with mycoplasma synovitis can get around fairly well and get up and down from roosts. I was really hoping that one of the vets would draw some blood to do the PCR test for MS. Have you spoken with or emailed anyone from Cornell about the possibility? Someday when one of them gets old and passes away, hopefully a long time from now, I would get a necropsy by the state vet where they can test for it. Thank you for the update, and glad they are doing well.
Hi, I have a flock of only 9 Speckled Sussex and have noticed similar fluid retention in one of my oldest (1.5yrs) in both ankles. First saw it with her first molt this past fall, so chocked it up to the stress on her body with that. Now I'm noticing she stayed in the coop during "free time" today (backyard flock with an enclosed run that gets let out to the rest of the backyard for a few hours a day). And last night she slept on the "lesser" roost branch that historically is for the lowest-ranked flocked members (got them in 2 batches, there is an 8mo age difference between the 2 batches). This gal historically is one of the biggest and usually first to roost every night with her choice of prime location. She still walks fine, but I see the fluid retention and the low-key behavior of choosing to roost mid-day.

Is this something common with the breed? I'm having trouble finding definitive info on the matter, but suddenly came upon several posts all pertaining to this mystery condition in Speckled Sussex. Would love to know what you've found out in your inquiries.

Thank you in advance.

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