Henny Penny and How a High Poverty Classroom Plans to Raise Baby Chicks


7 Years
Jul 3, 2012
Hi, I teach a 5th grade literacy program in a high poverty school in central Maine. Last year we raised 1 chick from an egg. He turned out to be a prize winning rooster we named Solo. He now belongs to a very happy to have him 10 year old boy. This year our town passed an ordinance permitting hens! Raising hens is the perfect way to combat the intense hunger I witness in my classroom. My kids love hard boiled eggs. Raising chickens from eggs teaches science and is a great forum for immersing literacy. It's also the perfect way to teach empathy and humane animal care. Please consider sharing my Donors Choice project as well as donating to a great program that will benefit these kids, their families, and the community at large. Here's more information and how you and others can get involved... http://www.donorschoose.org/project/henny-penny-the-adventures-of-chicken-h/826660/
PS - Chickens raised will be given to families who show the desire and need to have them. The kids and I will teach them how to do it.
We will try to find homes for them outside of town. Ones that we can't will be taken to butcher then donated to needy families.

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